You then lied your head to his shoulder, and let him caress your shoulder. You felt his warm touch, as the light wind blowed in your hair. You got lost in that moment. The night was a bit chilly, but it wasn't exactly cold.  As his fingertip touched your sweatrer, and you felt the gently pressure on your shoulder you felt like he was always next to you.

"What YOU did?" you smiled back at him.

"Precisely. I got created then I got everything I didn't even dream about. I got everything, one could possibly want." he said.

"If you wanna look at it in this perspective, you could say you were lucky, but me? I had quite a past. I think that says something that my best friend was the biggest jerk of the office."

"Yeah... It means that you were kind."

"This is why I'm thankful. That you look at me like this. But it only means that I'm the second biggest jerk in the office, and noone else wanted to be my friend." you thought about it for a moment. You did like to trick your colleauges, and you kinda were a bit irritating sometimes. You thought about it as jokes, but were they only that really? Like that one time when you put rubber spiders to the desk of a detective who were terrified of them. Sure, it was halloween, and everyone laughed exept the one you tricked. You were always someone who preferred to be alone rather than around a lot of people and so you were always hiding amongst piles of old unsolved cases in the office. Sure, you didn't felt yourself lonely, since it was the only thing you felt at that time. But you were happy when Gavin became your friend.

"I'm sure that's not true." Connor said. You didn't answer. You were just hapy that he saw the best part of you.

The train started slowing down as it reached the very end of the bridge. You looked behind where you could saw the androids already standing in lines so they can get off the train as soon as possible. Connor also stood up. He held out his hand to you to help you up.

You took it and let him lead you to the exit. Him and you stood in front of the androids, to lead them. Now that you had the chance to talk with Connor, you knew that you are able to help him. You let him hold your hand and started walking to the place where Markus protested.  

You and the androids slowly marched to the city center. You could saw lights flicker in the distance, you could hear sounds of gunshots or fireworks in the distace. From this far away you couldn't really tell wich one was it. 

You walked and slowly you could see silouettes of men. Human and android bodies lied on the ground, other were fighting, and some of then were shooting. With guns.

You dropped Connor's hand and ran forward, to see more of the battlefield. There was blue and red blood everywhere. You saw as the human bodies steamed and as the broken android ones let ot black smoke. It was just terrible. You saw a couple of journalists near to everything butbehind the barriers. They were clicking and writing maniacally. One of them saw you then pointed you out.

"Look! A civilian got here!" he shouted as he pointed at you after he took some pictures. At that moment you got all the attention. You knew what you wanted to do with it. You showed your middle finger to them, then charged to the middle of the fight. You stopped, and you were paralyzed when you saw the familiar faces around. But one was sorse than anything. You spotted Simon's body. You ran up to it, put your hand on his shoulder. You looked at you, maybe you could have done something to help him. You saw that the blue blood pump regulator of his was ripped out of his chest. He had a damaged one next to him. You looked around for a moment-. You spotted a model similar to him, near to you. That one had three bullet marks on his head. He was irrepairable. You rushed to him, pulled up his sweater and his shirt. You opened his chest. There was a regulator, in perfect condition. You weren't thinking for a moment. You needed to save Simon. He was someone innocent. You couldn't name any android that deserved happiness more than him. Not even Connor or Markus. And he was close to you. When you were in Jericho he was the only friend of you. You needed to save him.

You almost ripped out the regulator from the other PL 600. You rushed back to Simon when you saw that Connor and the others just realised the terror in front of their eyes.

You didn't care about them at the moment. You needed to save Simon. You pushed over his chlothes, then gently placed the machiene in it's place.

For a moment nothing happened. There were total silence around you. No gunshots anymore, no sound of fighting, nothing. Nothing exept from the peaceful snowlakes falling unstoppable from the darkest sky of Detroit. For a moment you didn't see flashes around you, because of the cameras of the journalists. Nothing happened, it was like the world simply stopped moving. Like the time stopped. The only sign, showing that it isn't what happened that the snowflakes continued their cristal-like dance until they fell to the ground. They fell equally to the blue and to the red puddles of blood, and they were like diamond teardrops from the sky, mourning for those who have fallen today.

You felt a teardrop ran down your cheeks as you looked to Simon. You prayed for some higher power to help this doomed soul. He lived so much, he leped so many, and you wanted, no... Needed him to be happy. Because if he is someone, who can't find happiness, then who could?

You were cold, you shivered to your soul. It was partially because the cold and partially because the scene that lied above you.

It felt like an eternity, waiting for him to awake. Connor walked up to you and put his hand on your shoulder reassuring you. 

"No.... It can't be... He can't die..." you cried out. You hugged Simon. You cried over his shoulder sniffing his chlotes. They smelled like freshly baked cookies. He always smelled like that no matter what happened. Guess his past lied deeper in him than it would ever disappear.

You gasped for air as you cried. Meanwhile the androids came with you flooeded the streets. This was why the fighting stopped. The soldiers surronded. They were not enough for a fight like this. You saw adroids crying over their lost loved ones, and other cheering. "We won!" they shouted. You saw Markus rushing back in the crowd.

"(Y/N)!?!" he shouted surprised as he saw you kneeling next to Simon.

"Markus..." you looked at him with sad puppy face.

Then he also kneeled down nest to you.

"He was a good friend. He died saving my life." markus said a he took the broken biocomponent to his hand that was on the ground. "He shall be remembered as a hero, and he shall be remembered forever." Markus said.

"Don't bury me just yet." a weak voice said. You looked at Simon shocked. He was alive! He started to sit up, as he touched his heart. It was beating again.

"Simon!" you shouted as you threw yourself in his arms.

"But how?" Markus said looking the biocomponent in his hand. "You gave up your heart or me..."

"That's on me. I took a heart from the irrepairable android." you said shyly. "I didn't knew it it would work, I just tried." you mumbled.

"Then I am forever in your dept, my friend." Markus said. as he put his hand on your shoulder.

"You owe me nothing. He is my friend too." you said standing up, and letting Connor wrap his arms around you  from behind.

"And here I thought I would be the hero of the day, by taking everyone from te Cyberlife Tower to here." he smiled.

"You are one beanie-boy" Markus said

"You are my hero too." you smiled and kissed him.

This was the end of the war and the beginning of the new age. Things will change after this. People will change after this. It will be a new age starting. Not just in detroit, but in your life too.

*author note*

Phew it was a chapter really hard to write. I actually wanted this to be two capters, but, things happen, you know and it just got like this. Nvm.
I hope you had a delightful Christmas with the people you love, and you'll have a good year too.
In Hungary (my country) we say BUÉK for new year. It's the shortest wersion of 'I wish you a happy new year!'
I do to all of you my little snowflakes. ❄️❄️ BUÉK everyone!🍾🎆🎇

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