Chapter 4 - Confused Hangovers

Start from the beginning

"So," Elli furrows her brows, looking around the living room and taking in the few boxes that are scattered about. "What's with the boxes?"

"Ah," Collyn nods. "Parker asked me to pick up some of your Christmas decorations from storage."

"Oh, cool." Elli nods, confusion ticking at her brain. Her and Parker always just get the decorations together and they each pick up a few boxes on their way home from work. Having Collyn do it just seems a bit odd. "Why?"

Collyn shrugs. "No clue." Elli was about to open her mouth to ask what was going on but Collynwass quick to ask another question. "Parker going to London again this year?"

Elli sighs, taking the hint that Collyn wasn't going to tell her anything else, and there's a part of her that wants to smile but she keeps it to herself. "No, actually he'll be here."

Collyn's head whips in Elli's directions. "Why's he not going home? He always goes home."

"His parents are gonna be in Venice, I guess and he said he doesn't wanna be on vacation for Christmas. He'd rather be here or at his parents' house in London. So, he'll be here." Elli explains.

Collyn gives her a smirk. "Assume you're happy to have him."

"What makes you think that?" Elli inquires.

Collyn scoffs, rolling his eyes. "It's his first Christmas in the states, you gonna tell me you're not happy to have him?"

Collyn's right and Elli can't even deny it. She knows Christmas is really important to Parker but for selfish reasons, she's happy he's decided to stay in the states. It's going to be their first real Christmas spent together and it's going to be nice. They usually Skype and discuss what's all happened but due to the six-hour time difference, the video calls were never very long. To say Elli misses Parker during the Christmas season when he was away would be a huge understatement. It's her favorite time of year and all she wants is to spend it with Parker and now she can without ever having to ask him.

Elli bites her lip and shrugs sheepishly. "Well," Collyn chuckles, nodding quickly. "I am but also not because I know it's a big deal for him to spend it with his family."

"Clearly not as big as just wanting to be home." Collyn retorts.

"Fair." Elli sighs.

"What's the plan then? What're we all doing?" Collyn asks, knowing the normal plans for Christmas would change.

Usually, the three of them would get together before Parker would head to London and have their own Christmas early. But, with Parker being home, they won't need to have an early Christmas.

"Uh, yeah Parker is gonna come with me to my parents' for dinner and we're opening presents from each other here. I figured that when we're all done, you can come by and we'll do our exchange and eat whatever food my mom's sent us home with."

"Sounds good." Collyn agrees. "Excited to be having Parker over though?" Collyn laughs knowing what Elli's entire family think of Parker.

Since the first time Elli's mom met him, she's sworn up and down that they would end up more than friends. She calls it her a mom's intuition but Elli just says it's bullshit. Well, she did because now her mom is a little right. Friends with benefits, is more than friends technically but her mom doesn't need to know that. Either way, her mom is certain that they'll end up together despite Elli and Parker's constant "nope, still friends." every time they meet up. But, it's not just her mom. It's her dad, too. Her dad adores Parker and while he's always been protective of Elli, he knows that Parker would be perfect. However, the hardest person to get anything by is Elli's older sister Elizabeth, Lizzie.

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