Chapter 48 - This is why we can't have nice things *BONUS CHAPTERS*

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The sudden arrival in the astral plane was met by a whole bunch of 'whoa's' from those who had never traveled there before. To the core Paladins it was same ol' same ol' except... It was off.

"Does this place seem weird to you?" asked Hunk.

"I can move here," said Krolia, twisting her spine for the first time in weeks.

"Because our bodies aren't actually here," said Pidge.

"It seems so real, but so different," marveled Acxa, looking around.

""Oh, Addy," gasped Veronica, pointing up ahead.

"Adam?" said Shiro, looking forward into the distance. Melenor was kneeling on the ground with Adam practically in her lap, sobbing.

"Honestly, Adam," said Melenor, her loud voice travelling across the empty space, "I know you're broken up about Shiro, but there are far worse consequences to the branch off than your alternate reality husband agreeing to a date."

"Worse consequences?" muttered Keith going to step forward at the same time Shiro did.

"Halt!" cried Bored, popping into existence in front of them in her android form. "Sorry, can't let you flesh bags through. Mel gave me specific instructions to prevent you at all costs and that included giving me permission to soul murder you."

"No, I did not!" yelled Melenor.

"Nevermind. Go ahead," said Bored, stepping aside.

"Yes, to stopping them, no to murdering them!" yelled Melenor.

"Not so fast," said Bored, blocking the moving Paladins once again.

"Bored, this is ridiculous," cried Allura.

"We're just looking for answers," said Keith. "What's happening in the other reality that caused ours to blink out? Maybe there's something we can do to help."

"Oh no," said Bored. "You don't not want to meet one of your alternate reality selves. I did it once and it end very badly. Besides..." Bored shrugged. "They're done over there. We're just doing damage control."

"Damage control?" asked Lotor. "What happened?"

"He knows," said Bored, pointing at Coran who was crying softly into Matt's shoulder. "Mel told him." This caused Coran to start sobbing again.

"Yes, and he's been blubbering into Matt's broad, muscular shoulders ever since," complained Lance.

"Why did you word it that way?" mumbled Keith.

"Go on, Uncle Mustache," coaxed Bored, "Tell them the sad story."

"Sad story?" repeated Pidge then she slapped her hand over her mouth and ducked behind Hunk.

"Oh hello, Knowledge Seeker," said Bored. "I hadn't noticed your soul hidden behind Builder."

"So Pidge," said Matt with a grin. "Aren't you going to introduce us to your friend?"

"No, thank you," said Pidge, but Hunk scooped her out from behind him. She sighed. "I won't bother with your names because she's actually met all of you in your dreams, it's just you didn't know it was her, but everyone, this is Bored, Assistant to the Dream Guardian and soul of a thousand AI's."

"And one pinball machine," add Bored.

"Pinball machine?"

"It gained sentience after the realities reset," said Bored, looking at her nails like none of this was interesting. "Nothing really came back perfect. Irregularities across the board."

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