Chapter 40 | Her Memory

Start from the beginning

"Remember your roots as a lowly palace maid and learn your place," he growled out lowly, "You never would have amounted to anything if it wasn't for me, but even then, you still have no use to me."

"So you're disposing of me?!" She hissed in outrage, more tears pouring down her face at the reality of his words. "This...This is because my body is too frail to bear your child, isn't it?!"

He narrowed his eyes and said nothing, turning his gaze away from her pathetic state in disappointment.

"Your Majesty, please! As your wife--!"

"It's a shame that you let your selfishness and self-deception rule your actions," he knelt down, harshly gripping her face in his hand as he darkly lowered his voice. "...Because I never loved you."

No--! He was lying. At one point, he truly did love her. After all, he was the one who took her in after wandering around as an orphan for so long. He was the one who would do anything to provide her with the lavish life she never had before.

He was the one who could manage to love her when even her own parents didn't, disposing of her soon after her birth.

Why else would he have elevated her status? Why else did he do so much for her already--?

Emperor Sui released her as if he touched a flame and walked past, Min Mo joining him at his side. Before he fully exited the throne room, he gave his order without bothering to look back. "Lock her in the cold palace."

Was it not love but pity the whole time--?

Screaming after her husband's retreating footsteps, Consort Sui fought to free herself from the guards' grip as her cries slowly quietened down in resignation.

It wasn't until a few hours later when she awoke to find herself in a dark room, the only light being from a crack in the door. Perhaps it was because of the lack of light that it was so cold and that she was already beginning to feel the oncoming presence of loneliness. However, she soon realized that she was not alone yet.

"How does it feel?" Min Mo pressed in a taunting manner as she revealed herself, slowly circling the consort.

She said nothing, internally cursing the restraints around her wrists which sealed her power.

"The only reason you're not dead is because of Emperor Sui's lenience." She narrowed her eyes, the two women silently glaring at each other for a moment.

"You're enjoying this, you bitch," The consort spat out bitterly.

"Did you enjoy killing the First Empress and her unborn child because of your petty jealousy?" she countered, turning to exit before giving her a chance to respond. "Death...It's far too easy of a punishment for a woman like you, Ju Hua."

Her life continued like this for the next few weeks in darkness, the only human interaction being from the servants who came with food. Even then, they still bore the same look of revulsion as how everyone back then looked down on her pathetic state.

By this point, she had accepted her fate despite the occasional resentment which burned within.

Fortunately, she was able to walk around the east wing of the palace every so often, as it was an area where people rarely ventured. While she was on one of her usual nightly strolls, she didn't expect to come across a sudden figure.

Pausing in her tracks, she observed the unknown man as he stared up at the moon in his white night robes, seeming to pay no mind to his surroundings. As she took a step closer, his handsome face turned to face her in shock. For a moment, the two cautiously looked over each other when he narrowed his features into an elegant smile, urging her to come closer as she hesitated.

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