Start from the beginning

Looking around at everyone and seeing that Uncle Leo and Aunt Eve are not acting strange toward these strange new people from another world I had to ask.

"Umm" I said to no one in particular, "how long have I been out of it exactly?"

"Well" my dad said slowly, "we were a bit worried for the first few hours when your breathing and heart rate nearly stopped a few times but after the first day you improved rather more rapidly than I would have thought possible. I imagine it has a lot to do with the Commanders gift to us. Otherwise I am not so sure you would have survived the experience." He said.

"Ok" I said again, "but how long have I been asleep?"

"Twelve days dear" Aunt Eve said to me.

"Twelve days?" I said a little too loudly.

"You were basically comatose for the first five days" she said, "and we had to use intravenous feeding to keep you alive but after that you began responding and we were able to feed you normally. You just wouldn't wake up. You had us all so worried." She said resting a hand on my arm.

"We theorize that when you use your ability" Uncle Leo says to me, "it uses a portion of your own strength to enact the changes you are trying to achieve. More than likely the smaller things you do within a single world uses only a fraction of your power but the more drastic changes you try to make, like transporting a group of people across dimensions, must use a proportionately larger chunk of your strength. You will need to be more careful in the future or you could quite easily kill yourself if you tried to do too much."

Looking around at everyone once again I seemed to be noticing many more things, like a scar on Uncle Leo's ear I never noticed before, a small birthmark on Aunt Eve's shoulder, how Katrina's eyes had specks of gold in their violet depths and also that Tesla who was sitting on the other side of the room with Alexei smelled of rain, grass and what was that, squirrel? 

 Now that I thought about it everything seemed more vibrant, the colors brighter the sounds clearer the smells crisper. I felt good too, strong and after the initial wave of dizziness wore off, clear headed.  

I was wearing a T-shirt and my arms with their new tattoos were exposed. Embarrassed at what Aunt Eve would think I tried covering them with a blanket or something. Knowing it was obviously way too late for that but not being able to help myself. She caught on to what I was doing and laughed at me.

"Sweetie, it is a bit late for you to be worrying about being self conscious about those." She said smiling at me, "I've been changing your clothes and bed sheets for almost two weeks now. I can't say I approve but your father said you had no choice in the matter even though he wouldn't tell me the whole story." She said with a disapproving look toward my dad, 

"I have to say, they are very strange markings, did you know they appear to move on their own? I am sure it must be an optical illusion but I've never seen anything like it before. It is a very intricate design and I guess it would be pretty cool if you were into that kind of thing but just promise me that you are not going to get anymore. I think you have more than enough already dear."

"Oh I promise that is the farthest thing from my mind right now" I said blushing at the thought of my Aunt seeing me naked, "Trust me I certainly didn't even want these." I said holding up my arms.

"Well I am not sure how you are going to explain them and all the other ones you have to the school but you better come up with a good explanation so they don't start asking too many questions. We don't need any unnecessary attention especially not now that we have five new guests staying with us that are going to be very hard to explain where they came from should questions be asked." She said stating the obvious.

TimeLord The Vampire Chronicles Book One part twoWhere stories live. Discover now