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That actually wasn't a joke. When Q was still in the beta stages of testing he kind of got out, so to say. He was able to transfer a portion of his self awareness into some kid's cell phone and before my dad was able to disable him the mini Q had shut down the entire power grid of Russia for twenty minutes, redirected every one of United States' nuclear missiles to aim at the Soviet Union and begin their launch sequences."

"He also drained the government bank accounts for China, United States, Europe and every Middle-eastern country. Then he divided the money and transferred an equal amount to everyone's bank accounts that wasn't a lawyer, politician or banker across the globe and actually arranged for checks to be delivered to the people without bank accounts.

That was a pretty bad day for Uncle Leo and my dad. The media luckily blamed it on an unknown new group of hackers since no one could trace back who had done it. There was a lot of happy people though let me tell you. 

 Fortunately because people now had money to burn the economy had a boom and quickly recovered and most the governments were able to either write off the losses or just borrow more. My dad had to actually teach Q why that was a bad idea, they couldn't just program it into him since that might damage his self awareness and Q could just reprogram himself if he wanted to.

"But even if we had additional bracelets" my dad continued talking as he thought, "we would need Q here to program them and code them to the genetic makeup of each person and synchronize himself with each device. Plus we've never run into the type of situation we are in now."

"Momma?" Lucas said to his mother.

"Just a minute sweetie" she said to her son, "I'm sorry William ,what do you mean" Angela asked.

"Well" he said to her, "we were originally supposed to teleport to a world that I had already visited on more than one occasion to replace a faulty monitoring station. But if I understand what has happened I believe my son here" he said patting my on the shoulder smiling proudly, "accidentally or perhaps not so accidental as I first thought considering everything that has occurred." 

He said rubbing his chin again, "Either way, he managed to bring us to your world with his newfound abilities. Admittedly he didn't know what he was doing or even that he could do such a thing and had I known I surely would never have taken him with. But all that is neither here nor there as we need to solve the problem of how to bring you with us."

"I must apologize as I should have resolved this problem a long time ago. We did discuss the issue a few years ago but it was put on the backburner as we were concentrating on trying to map out new worlds and fully test the system."

"Well how could you have known?" Angela said.

"Actually" he said, "Leo and I both understood that it was inevitable that this situation would arise sooner or later. We knew there was at least a thirty seven percent chance that we would discover a world that a rescue operation was necessary but we thought we had more time to come up with a solution. It appears though that fate had other ideas." He said smiling at Angela who blushed slightly as she returned his smile.

"Did you have any ideas on how to do it?" I asked him.

"The only viable option we could think of" he said to me "was some kind of container that had a sequence scanner built into it that would be transported to the needed world and then Q would be able to scan the person in it allowing Q to bring the person and container back. But that would require a larger teleportation pad and a specifically designed scanning device. I had planned on tackling this problem next year, I just wish I had done so before now." He said sadly.

TimeLord The Vampire Chronicles Book One part twoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن