Start from the beginning

 We almost fell on top of each other again but she was able to regain her footing and we both helped each other stand. Tesla pulled the Vampire back trying to keep him away from us but the thing was way too strong. He came toward us relentlessly dragging my friend along like he was nothing more than a gnat. I held the sword in front of me while it vibrated in my hand with the song of the angels. My other hand held the woman behind me protectively.

The Vampire jumped forward trying to grab my arm. Without the aid of the sword's almost magnetic drive toward all things evil he probably would have gotten me. I only just got the weapon between us even though he flinched back avoiding the touch of the metal blade. Getting irritated with Tesla's constant tugging he kicked his foot forward flipping my dog right into my legs tripping me up. Down I went and he took advantage of my fall by kicking the sword out of my hand and grabbing the woman.

"No" I yelled rolling to my feet.

The Vampire had her by her throat and bared his fangs ready to bite as he stood behind her daring me to do something. My sword was too far off to the side to reach and if I went for my gun I was sure he would bite her way before I could use it. Tesla was gone but I saw he was now quietly hiding behind the Vampire's legs lying on the ground. 

 He gave me the 'what are you waiting for' look. Rather than making a fast move or attack him I slowly walked forward keeping my eyes on the Vampire's. I held my hands out palms facing him showing that I had no weapons. I had something in mind but I didn't know if it would work. If it did it'd be pretty cool, if not it probably wouldn't be so cool and we'll probably all die.

I kept walking slowly toward this shriveled vampire all the while keeping my hands visible. He brought his drooling mouth and dripping fangs even closer to her throat the tips of those sharp teeth just barely pressing into her flesh but not breaking the skin, at least not yet. I froze in place. I was within three steps from the creature but I needed to be just a little closer for my plan to work.

"Look" I said to the vampire, "you can take me instead of her I'll come willing just let her go."

He merely growled at me but I did see his gaze dart to my own throat with hunger written all over his face. Then I happened to remember what Katrina had said about my blood when we were back in that first tavern when she was almost starving herself. 

 She had said it was like tasting pure gold. I also recalled that I had been cut on my head when he crashed into me. Hmm that was probably my blood on the ground that I saw back during the battle not the woman's. 

 But if I wasn't even there yet how... boy this time travel stuff was enough to give you a migraine if you thought about it too much. Never mind, I told myself just concentrate on the current situation. Pressing a hand to my forehead I brought it away smeared with my own crimson blood.

I offered my hand to the vampire taking another step forward as he sniffed and slowly pulled his head away from the terrified woman who was staring at me with shock at what this stranger was doing for her. The vamp licked his lips and took a deeper sniff but didn't release the woman, it didn't matter though as I was now close enough.

I clenched my other hand that I had raised toward the monster and my blood covered one I formed into a circle aimed at his chest as I activated the equations I had been quickly forming. It didn't work exactly as I had intended but it could have been worse I guess.

The woman's eyes went wide with terror and she yelled for me to look out. I thought I knew what she was scared of so I didn't completely get out of the way but I did turn a little to check what she was staring at and it saved my life.

TimeLord The Vampire Chronicles Book One part twoWhere stories live. Discover now