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*From the Past to the Present*


"I'm bored!", I blurted out loud as I toss my mint green Apple iTouch in the bed and stood up. Stretching my arms above my head, I silently approached the balcony and without actually opening it, I looked over the vast expanse of land before me. My room is situated at the back portion of my building that's why instead of the usual city lights, I see land and grasses and some trees and some glowing yet faint yellow lights from random scattered houses. And I'm just perfectly fine with that view. It's kinda refreshing.

It's already nearing six in the evening and I can see the sun setting in the clear indigo sky. I watched with an unwavering gaze, as a fiery red orb of light slowly sank beneath the clouds and threads of light lingered in the horizon. It is mingling with the smooth rolling clouds. Slowly coloring the sky with different hues. From orange, to red, then dark blue until all that was left of the sunset was a chalky mauve. It then melted away in turn as stygian darkness took over the sky.

Just like that, the once colorful sky was now enveloped with darkness. It made me think on how what had just transpired in the horizon before me can be considered as a perfect epitome of life. Yes, life itself is just like how sunset gives way to the darkness of the night. I am not a morning person but neither am I for the night person. For me, the night symbolizes loneliness, of defeat, of failure, and yes, of death also. It makes me feel sad all of a sudden, just like now.

I don't like this gloomy feeling I harbored just by looking at the sky. I am such an emotional freak lately. Putting meanings to something as normal as sunset. So I gently shook my head and grabbed the handle of the balcony door, slightly opening it. I felt the sudden rush of the cold evening air on my cheeks. I closed my eyes and savor the settling and calming sensation it gave me. If only it can also calm the chaos I am fearing that might take place in the near future. A feeling I am trying to push aside at the back of my mind.

"Why? Why do you have to rise from the dead?" I said out loud. This has been a natural scenario to me. Talking to myself and well, answering myself in return of course. I slowly opened my eyes and sighed. I stepped closer to the railings and raised my hands to hold it so I could look down. "Why?", I asked again, to no one in particular.

It was now totally dark outside. With exemption of few household lights in the far distance. Looking up the sky, silver stars like the glowing embers of a dying fire started coming out and seemed to be winking down at me, somewhat illuminating the vastitude curtain of the dark sky. And then suddenly the clouds parted, and I found myself looking at a lustrous, argent disc casting brilliant rays of moonlight onto the dark grounds.

If anyone could see me now, they might think I am out of my mind. Standing with only a pair of pajama shorts and shirt in this cold night, staring up at a dark sky. Anyone could catch a cold in this situation.

Briiiiiing! I was startled with the ringing of a phone. My phone at that. I sighed and gave a last look at the stars in the sky and retreated back to my room, closing the balcony door behind me.

Riiiing! Riiiing! That made me jump and run towards the sound. I frantically searched for my phone in the tangled piles of blanket, shawl and pillows in my bed.

"Wait! Wait!" I shouted as I started getting annoyed with the loud ringing. Finally, I found it inside one of the pillow cases.

"Hello?!", I answered without even bothering to look who was calling.

"Sapphire Nichole!", shouted the caller, not bothering with any actual greetings. "What the fuck happened to you? You're not replying to my messages and you are not even online to get my Viber calls!"

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