That would sound silly for Zinnia too.

"You know how I love the number twelve. I was born on the twelfth day of twelfth month. From the time I was a kid, I always use to fancy meeting a girl who would kick me twelve times. I vowed to myself that when I meet a potential lady to hit me twelve times, I would never let her go." Egor was looking at the ceiling looking lost in his own fantasy world probably with the dreams of Tuyen hitting him his whole life.

What kind of love is this?

She abused him and he fell in love with her?

I did not... never ever found something as absurd as his reasoning. Now that I think about it, at least I have a good reason why I love scarecrow since I saw her always by my side and she never left me even in trouble.

But his love has no pillars at all.

Who loves a person who kicks you every moment she sees you?

"Are you... are you, by any chance, Zinnia's long lost brother?" This can be a valid point why he is acting worst than Zinnia.

I think he is really a brother of Zinnia. He must be.

"No. Why would I be a brother of your silly wife?" He said it in disbelief like he was proving to be any better.

Is it the affect of Zinnia in our lives or was Egor like this from start? Why are people around me so... different?

So unusual? So senseless and so careless?

"You are not proving to be any different to her. Have you heard yourself? Who loves a lady who abuses him? It is like Zinnia loving me more when she heard how poor part-time dollar earning Mafia I am." What had happened to the people around me, for God's sake?

But like I promised myself, if I cannot be cream in ice cream, I better be nuts and fruits. I think it is only wise on my part to mingle in the mad group I have. That's the only way I have to survive in the mad Sahara Zinnia has created.

"Well Congratulation. I suddenly realized that I have no right to tell you about whom to love and whom not too considering the life I am leading now. I freaking love a mad girl and a mad girl loves me madly god knows why." Egor nodded his head furiously as if he cannot agree more.

F**k my life!

"True. But unlike your wife, Tuyen is sane. She is the sanest person among the two White ladies and her. She has a greatest reality touch in her which I'm thankful of. Otherwise you and our bastard of our friend are trapped with the insane White cousins." Ah, when I think about it... how come Albina think so?

She really thought the bastard was a God?

How peculiar of the White sisters! Here the elder White think I'm a monk and married me forcefully and trapped me in her love unintentionally and on the other side the younger White is going around the bastard friend with a candle in her hand liting it in front of him every time she meets.

I sighed in absolute defeat and wore the blazer over my shirt completely ready to go through with this wedding again. Now that I came in terms with it, I'm actually excited to be married again... albeit with the same girl.

We are currently in the spare room behind the church while I am getting ready in one room; Tuyen and Albina are helping Zinnia in the other. Albina has arrived safely this early morning thankfully but taking a box of candles and a lighter with her and her explanation to it was

'God has an ability to appear and disappear anywhere, what if he suddenly appears here? I need to have my prayers ready.'

God have mercy on us.

I was sending silent prayers to the real God above when the door to the room was burst open revealing Albina looking all mischievous and beautiful.

"Alright love birds, we need to get you both married before you become cozy with each other." I turned towards Egor and he looked at me at the same time with the same disgusting look.

Is she calling us love birds?

No I'm not marrying this F**ker.

What the hell!

Though Zinnia is a scarecrow, she's a female scarecrow. I'm not into men for goodness sake.

"L-Lo-love birds? Who?" I asked Albina who at me with a naughty look. She doesn't think that we... we both... No!

"Of course you both." Albina replied with a wide smile and looked around the room trying to find something. "Now where did you hide her?" She asked again moving around the room searching for God knows what.

Her? She means Zinnia?

"Her? Zinnia? Why would she be here? She is with you getting ready." I'm confused why she is looing for Zinnia here.

"No she's not in the changing room. She left to see you after she received your memo to meet her." Egor coughed briefly hearing to Albina. My serious gaze turned intense when I met his eyes.

I did not sent her any memo to meet me, in that case... where did she go?

Is she... kidnapped again?

God no! Don't tell me someone abducted her again.

"I did not sent her any message to meet me Albina. Did you see the memo you were talking about?" She nodded her head and I sighed in frustration.

Dammit. Where is she now!

As if my words were heard by God, I heard my phone ringing and I picked it up immediately without looking at the caller. I need to look for my crazy wife right now.

What if something happen to her?

"Demyan Petrov speaking" I said in a harsh cold tone that the people in my circle are used to.

"Don't give me that tone, Petrov. Not if you want your little wife alive." The familiar voice spoke from the other side of the phone making my hands run cold.


Dammit. He got hands on her!


Hello Sweeties,

Next chapter is here. Enjoy!

The story has come to climax and possibly this story may end in three to four chapters. Yay!

What do you think about the love Egor has for Tuyen?

Do you think Egor can crack the wall of Tuyen and get her?

Is it that easy to trap Tuyen?

What about Albina? She carries candles with her everywhere? Poor her hero!

Zinnia is kidnapped again? By Valdimir?

Oh my God... he's dangerous! How will she survive?

How will Dem save his wife?

Please shower me with votes and comments

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Lots of Love

Lady Prim

The Mafia Monk (Crazy Mafia series Book 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz