Christmas Cookies - Yunho (Ateez)

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(december 22)
Who ; Yunho (Ateez)
Genre ; fluff
Length ; 1 Part
Pov; First person (x Reader)

I trudged up the stairs as my shopping bags were digging into my hands. I never realized that before something was delicious it could be an utter nightmare and weigh more than me.

To my sincere relief Yunho gently opened he door and lifted all the bags from off my arms, "Hey there, you seem to be... Struggling."

I playfully stick my tongue out at him; "You're the one who wanted to do Christmas baking together. I'm just glad you didn't say ginger bread houses."

Yunho shot me a suggestive glance as he let out a laugh, "Maybe next time... Il request à building set!"

"I'm grateful for the help but I swear Yunho you better not."

We both laughed as we arrived in the small dorm kitchen a few other members waving and gifting me hugs.

"Y/N... Please tell me you're making those for us." San asks as he lowers shiber to my eye level.

In response I gently pat shiber's head; "Sure, if yunho doesn't burn all of them in the process."

Laughter spreads through all the members as I give yunho a quick hug after teasing him. He didn't let me have that joke easily though, "Why would I the best baker in this house, burn simple cookies?"

"you WILL burn the cookies because you don't like reading the recipe." I waved the book around as we both laughed with each other, he knew I was right.

Yunho rubbed his hands together as he laid out all the ingredients for baking as I flipped through the book to the" Christmas  Chocolate Chipe Decorating & Baking" page and grabbing all the required measurments for the ingredients.

As I opened and started measuring the cups of flour I felt a ball of powder hit my face. In shock I stepped backwards and sent a glare towards Yunho. In return I threw a handful of chocolate chips that Yunho caught and ate.

I rolled my eyes and went back to measuring and blending the batter. I didn't get much further when I felt a hand plant roughly on my shoulder. My eues fell to the hand and I saw Yunho remove his flour coated hand from my shoulder and left a white handprint.

"Yunho... It's on!" I yelled as I brabbed handfuls of flour and catapulted them towards Yunho. He quickly returned fire with sugar.

We rapidly ran out of powered ingredients and decided against throwing the harder ones. So we returned to the batter and finished beating it evenly.

"Alright Yunho, I'm going to clean up this mess so just roll some small amount of batter between your hands and place them even distance apart on this pan. And don't eat all of it while you're at it."

I left Yunho without an answer and quickly started sweeping the kitchen as the flour was all over the ground. After a short while of sweeping I quickly helped Yunho set the timer on the cookies and went searching through the dorms; "Seonghwa, Seonghwa!"

I saw Seongwha's head poke out of a doorway with his hair spiked up in multiple directions. "what?" he gave a short reply to my calling in a voice that signaled he just woke up.

"I... I was just wondering if you'd help clean up the kitchen because... It's... Uh..."

"Don't even tell me, I'll come help. If you can't describe it... I don't even want you to try."

I replied with a mod and continued cleaning the kitchen until Seonghwa arrived to help his mouth falling open. I let out a nervous laughter as he helped finish.

Yunho, in the meantime had finished baking the cookies and started doodling possible designs on them. They were basic circles so from what I could tell he decided to add icing just as you would pen on paper.

I watched from behind him, as best I could as he towered in front of me, when he started doodling small trees and used the chocolate chips as ornaments. As he was finishing up the last one the drew a heart with our initials in it.

As he finished decorating the cookie he handed it to me, "For you, from me."

I let out an embarrassed laugh as I quickly shoved the cookie into my mouth and sent him a thumbs up.

He laughed back at me and whispered 'cute' under his breath.

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⏰ Última actualización: Dec 22, 2018 ⏰

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