The beginning IV

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"Yeah?" The boy straightened on the couch from his previous slouching posture.

"Hey, Nick."

"Hi" his eyebrows furrowed, finding it strange to receive a call from-

"Yeah, you.. busy?" His friends by then noticed the change in his demeanor and were gesturing for him to explain.


"You know... are you?? It's not like you've got anything to busy yourself with!" She mocked defensively "I kind of..."


"Uh, Nick. I need your help!"

He chuckled, relieved "Like you've never asked for that before" she never did. It wouldn't stop him from annoying her nonetheless.

"Don't make me regret calling you!"

"Fine, I'm coming!"



"And don't tell anyone!"

"Sure...." His eyebrows lifted, Nick sported a quizzical smile.  "Text me where you at"

She probably needs a lift he thought to himself hanging up. Who's that? Liam asked him.

:Fam. He'd only provided leaving.

"Hell!" Minutes later Nick was standing inside the confinements of the luxurious bathroom with Matt Whitteker still laying on the cold ceramic floor and Katrina holding a towel with dried blood on it.

"I didn't mean to do it I swear!" she'd said.


"An experience like this one makes you close to someone no matter how bad you didn't want to be. Nick helped me move Matt back into his room without anyone noticing. You got to understand. If his parents got wind of it. Not just my life, my parents' would get chokingly complicated. So we put him into bed and I'd already cleaned his head and everything. I thought, he could think it was a terrible dream. A lunatic like him wouldn't probably question it. And luckily no one had noticed us stumbling over the staircase. Or Matt's informal attire. I've got to give these people some credit! for a party that boring. They were enjoying themselves. " Soph, her eldest sister always commented on her ability at storytelling. Or kack thereof... she could never focus on what's important or what isn't.

"So there I was standing over Matt's head, just contemplating what to do. My plan shouldn't be over yet. If I was lucky enough and he'd forgive me, I needed another strategy. And honestly, see it from my perspective! Right at that moment I was fairly desperate.

With terrible plans up my sleeve getting assistance from someone like Nick didn't seem like such a bad of an idea. So when he demanded an explanation it occurred to me....

to recruit him on my team. 

You could say that was how we got really close"

Taking Matt Whitteker Downजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें