"Cool so like we used to do in school." Mae agreed.

"Yep. Ready, set, go!" Gohan said and they both launched themselves up and back to Capsule Corp. "Hah! I win!" Gohan said as he and Mae landed.

"That's cause I let you win." Mae lightly punched his arm.

"Uh huh suuure," Gohan laughed. "Anyway I'm gonna go finish making plans with Supreme Kai."

"Have fun with that." Mae laughed as she went and sat down with Goku and Vegeta. "So you're back dad."

"Yep and Frieza agreed to join us." Goku said.

"Really? He agreed to 24 hours?" Krillin asked.

"Haha yep!" Goku chuckled.

"You are hiding something again." Vegeta scowled.

"What?!" Goku stammered.

"Out with it Kakarot!" Vegeta glared.

"Okay well I agreed to fully resurrect him after the tournament." Goku said.

Krillin spat out his drink and Mae stood up so fast her chair fell down. "You did what?!" She shouted.

"Hey what's this?" Trunks came out interrupting them.

"Hey Goku you haven't told the boys about the tournament have you?" Bulma asked him.

"No I didn't. Have you?" Goku asked her.

"It could be problematic if they found out." Vegeta said.

"Trunks you are awake." Bulma said walking to her son. "That's just a list of people coming to celebrate Bulla's birth."

"Hmm." Trunks looked at the board and pointed at the picture of Frieza. "Isn't that guy a really bad guy?"

"Frieza has become a good guy now!" Vegeta said rushing over. "He's changed his ways and he's really turned over a new leaf."

"Oh okay then." Trunks smiled as Vegeta sulked back to the table.

"So defending Frieza then." Mae chuckled softly.

"I don't want to hear it brat." Vegeta growled at her which only made Mae laugh harder.

"Hey Trunks do you and Goten wanna go to an island with a bunch of monsters?" Goku asked the boy.

"Hey Mae!" Gohan came back outside. "Can you come here real quick?"

"Oh sure." She stood up and followed her brother.

"Kakarot," Vegeta said as Goku finished telling Trunks about the island. "Are you planning on taking Mae with you to get Frieza?"

"I was thinkin about it. Why do you think she shouldn't?" Goku asked.

"She will probably want to go but I don't think that's a good idea. She may try and kill him." Vegeta crossed his arms.

"Hmm yea that's true. Okay well I'll have her go get 17 instead." Goku said. Vegeta didn't say anything to him he just nodded before turning to walk away.

"Here this is for you." Gohan said handing her a box. "I was gonna give this to you later but since we have the tournament I figured now is a good time."

"Oh?" Mae said as she opened the box. Inside was a new outfit. A black tank top, a red sports bra, and black sweatpants. The thing that really caught her eye were the red and black boots. "These are like the ones you and dad wear."

"Yea, I know you don't like wearing a gi but I figured you could use some new boots." Gohan scratched his head.

"Thank you so much Gohan!" Mae hugged her brother before running to change. When she came out she grinned, "so what do you think?"

"You look great!" Gohan smiled. "Let's do our best!"

"Agreed!" Mae nodded and she went back outside.

"Oh there you are!" Goku said. "Can you go with 18 and Krillin to go get 17?"

"Oh yea sure." Mae nodded. "The boys are gonna watch the island?"

"Yep!" Goku smiled. "Krillin says he's not good with 17 so I figured it would be good if you and 18 went."

"You don't need help with that bastard Frieza?" Mae narrowed her eyes.

"Nah I can handle him." Goku chuckled.

"Well alright then." Mae crossed her arms and walked over to where Krillin and 18 were. "Trunks, Goten you guys ready?" She asked the boys.

"Yea!" They both said as they got into the aircraft. Mae followed them and sat down. It wasn't long until they arrived at the island.

"Goten let's circle the island!" Trunks said as the boys flew off.

Mae walked over to where Krillin, 17, and 18 were standing. She could feel the tension in the air as Krillin tried to force a conversation. "Hey 17." She greeted him.

"Yo!" 17 waved back.

"So 17, you work away from home? One day you should come over for dinner." Krillin laughed nervously.

"No thanks." 17 said bluntly.

"I told you not to force a conversation." 18 glared at her husband.

"Wow you can cut the tension with a knife." Mae muttered. 17 heard her and smiled giving her a look.

"Uncle!" Marron ran up to him.

"Hello there, uh Maron." 17 said trying to remember her name.

"It's Marron. Mess up again and I will kill you." 18 glared.

"Haha sorry Marron." 17 patted her head. He stood back up, "you think those boys will be okay?"

"I think so. They are Goku and Vegeta's sons after all." Krillin said watching the boys run around. "I told them to go easy on any poachers if they find some."

"Good idea." 17 agreed.

"I wanna stay too!" Marron said suddenly.

"Marron can play with us!" Goten said.

"What! Are you sure? Don't you wanna play at Bulma's?" Krillin asked his daughter.

"It's fine. She can stay with the boys." 18 said as they loaded back up. They arrived back at Capsule Corp to find that everyone except Goku and Frieza were gathered.

Piccolo walked up to them and looked down at Android 17. "So are you stronger than before?" He asked.

"Are you?" 17 asked back.

"Heh," Piccolo extended a hand. "Thanks for coming. You being here is a big help."

"No problem." 17 said shaking his hand.

"Vegeta!" Mae jogged over to him. "Where is dad?"

"I don't know. Kakarot is late." Vegeta grunted.

"What happens if we are late to the meeting area?" Krillin asked Whis.

"Hmm," Whis pondered for a moment. "Well if we are late we could be disqualified and be erased immediately."

"What?!" Krillin asked shocked.

"Whis let's go see what's keeping him." Beerus groaned.

"Please bring them back quick." Mae told the god. "I swear if that bastard is causing him to be late."

"Mae calm down. They will be here." Gohan reassured his sister.

"I certainly hope so." Mae replied crossing her arms. They didn't have much longer before the Tournament of Power.

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