Chapter Six

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1 month Later.

Harmony was getting ready to go out with Davion today. She washed her hair, straightened it, and put on a nice strapless black dress that stopped above her knees. She put on some eyeliner, eyelashes and some lip gloss.

The doorbell ringed and she got King bags ready so he could go with Quantez.

When she opened the door Quantez was taken aback. She looked so beautiful. "Earth to Quan." Harmony snapped her fingers. "Here, take your son."She handed over a sleeping King to his father and followed them to the car.

While Quantez strapped King in the car, Harmony put is bag in the trunk. "So whatchu' finna do?" He asked. "Not that it's any of your business but I'm going out."Harmony smiled.

"Wait, I have a question."He stopped her. She turned back around to face him. "What is it now?" Harmony sighed.

"Are you really over me?" He paused, "Because we have a lot of history and there's no way anyone can not have feelings for someone they were with for that long."

"Most of that history was depressing." Harmony sighed. "The only feeling I have for you is love and that is only because you're the father of King. If it wasn't for King we wouldn't be talking right now."

"Now if thats all I have to go, bye." With that she went back in the house to finish getting ready. "I'm ready we're just waiting on you now."Davion said.

Harmony took of her slides and put on some black high heels. She grabbed her purse and walked to the door where Davion was waiting. "I'm ready now."Harmony chuckled. They left the house and made their way to the car.

They pulled up to a nice restaurant and went in. "This is beautiful."Harmony said as they walked in. Davion grabbed her hand and they walked to the host. "Good evening, we have reservation for Davion Walker."Davion told the host.

"Okay right this way." They followed the host.

They got to their table and sat down. The waitress showed up right away. "Here's your menus, Now what can I get you two to drink tonight?"

"I'll take a glass of champagne." Harmony ordered. "I'll get the same."Davion said.

Harmony looking through the menu and her face was scrunching up at the prices. "Harmony don't worry about the prices, I'm paying for this and many more to come."Davion said. "You don't have to pay for everyone."She argued.

"But I want to and I want to take care of you."He said.

The waitress came back with the drinks. "Are we ready to order?"She asked. They ordered their food and began to talk about their day.

"You know the usual, working with a ton of sick kids."She paused. "Oh and and there was a few teens with pregnancy scares."Harmony finished.

"That soumds like fun."Davion commented." On most days it is."Harmony said.

Then suddenly some people came around to their table and started to dance and sing. "Davion whats this?"Harmony asked looking at him. "This is for you, just watch."He said looking back at the performance.

One of the performers reached their hand out and grabbed Harmonys hand. She got up and the danced with her. When she turned around Davion was on one knee with a microphone in his hand.

"Davion what are you doing?"Harmony looked down at the ring in his hand.

Davion clear his throat."Harmony Smith, I want to ask for your hand in marriage. From the moment I laid eyes on you I knew I had to get you. We both been through bad relationships and I finally found the person for me. Harmony you're the women of my dreams and I want to grow old with and have kid with you."

"More kids?"Harmony sniffled.

"Yes, more kids maybe a basketball team."Davion laughed. "So what do you say Harmony, are you ready to be Mrs.Walker?"

"Yes."Harmony nodded as he slid the ring on her finger. Davion pulled Harmony into a tight hug and everyone cheered. "She said yes everyone!"He shouted. They walked hand in hand out the restaurant.

They made it to the car. "Babe are you sure you're ready for this?"Harmony said putting her seatbelt on. "Yes, I'm more than ready."He smiled. "So where to now?"Harmony asked. "To a nice hotel, there's a bar, and a club over there."He explained to her."We can go tomorrow."

They made it to the hotel and checked in. "Babe all of this looks expensive." Harmony said walking into the elevator. "You don't gotta worry about the money."He assured her. They got off the elevator and into the suite.

There was rose petals on the bed and floor. There were candles lit by the window and champagne on the table.
"This is beautiful."Harmony turned around to face Davion and gave him a kiss. "In the bathroom I had a bath made a few minutes before we came in."Davion said walking into to the bathroom.

"Harmony got undress and so did Davion. "What are you doing?" Harmony asked. "I'm getting in too."He said in a duh tone. They got in the bath water and sat down. "This feels wonderful and I feel great."Harmony smiled.

Harmony moved over to where Davion was and sat in between his legs. She started kissing on him. "Nope we not about to do this again. "Davion said. "Why not?"Harmony frowned."Because last time we tried having sex in the bathroom I fell and that shit hurt." Davion said.

"That was funny."Harmony laughed. "No it wasn't."Davion laughed splashing water in her face. "Babe my hair!" Harmony splashed some water. "It was gonna get messed up anyways."Davion shrugged.

They got out the bath and made there way to the bed. "Go blow out the candles first."Harmony shooed Davion away. After blowing the candles out he climbed back on top of Harmony and put his member in her.


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