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- Alina -

Damn that man. 

The barriers I've put up to protect myself were corroding and it was all his fault. 

I knew something was up the moment the PI company was called 'Night Investigations'.

Who did he think he was? The Dark Knight?

When he reached into his pocket earlier, the ring flashed harshly in my mind and I nearly wanted to run out the cafe. One failed engagement is enough for one week in my dramatic life. I have to tone it down.

"Miss Simmons?"

I looked up at Louis, "I'm sorry, what were you saying?"

"The convention is tomorrow, do you want to look through your speech?"

"Sure, have you gotten my gown ready?"

"It'll be delivered to your home first thing in the morning."

"Thank you, do I have anything else scheduled for today?"

"No Miss, but you do have a dinner appointment."

I raised a brow, "With whom?"

"Kieran Knight from 'Knight Insurances', he checked for your availability with me earlier. I asked you and you agreed while you were sending off your emails."

Clearly I wasn't listening.

"Text me the details and you can head home for today Louis. I'll see you tomorrow."

"I can cancel if you want."

Did my horrified expression give my reluctance away?

"It's alright, I'll handle him."

He left and I grabbed my bag and script for my speech, quickly striding out of the office and into the late afternoon sun. 

A black Mercedes Benz pulled up in front of me and the chauffeur alighted, "Miss Simmons, Mr Knight is expecting you."

My forehead creased, "Does he think I can't make it to our dinner date on my own?"

"No, I just don't want my wife to get cold feet and run away from me again," Kieran stepped out from the passenger door and I very blatantly ogled at him.

Seeing him in a casual shirt with bermudas was one thing but having all those firm muscles in a sharp black suit? 

Was the sun suddenly warmer?

“I didn’t run from you. I walked, drove and flew away.”

His eyes seemed to darken and he rubbed his forehead, “We have some time before our reservation, let’s go somewhere for a walk.”

I didn’t want to, my emotions were still a mess and the very reason I left was to stay away from him to clear my head. But the way his eyes held mine, I didn’t have much of a choice.

Why was he so insistent on keeping this charade up?

He took my bag and script from me and placed it in the seat of his car before taking my hand and walking down the pavement that was starting to fill with people who were getting off work.

It felt weird, the warmth of his hand cocooning mine. They fit amazingly well together. I also noted the absence of his ring and I had mixed feelings about it. I would sort those emotions out later.

He brought my hand up to his lips and kissed the knuckles of each finger, “I don’t like people who can’t keep to their agreement.”

My blood froze, “I don’t see you going after each person that breaks a clause.”

The Dark Man [COMPLETE]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon