Valerie: *sighs* Sure, yes, no problem, talk to you later

Noah: Bye bye


Valerie sighed and left the phone on the desk, with a sneaky tear on her cheek, and she dried it quickly, she sat down on the bed with a frown on her face

"What the fuck? why didn't you just tell him? he needs to know!" Chris said angry and Valerie just shook her head and looked down

"I can't just tell him like this... he is so happy there, he will want to come back" She says in a low voice and Chris frowns

"Yeah, he'll come back, isn't that what were aiming for?" he says confused and Valerie sighs

"No, that's not what we want, we want him to be happy, and follow his dreams" she said again and Chris sighed frowning.

"Then what will you do? left him stay there?"

**** 2 weeks later ****

Valerie was sitting in a bench looking at the big doors of the indoor pool at harvard campus it was a little far from where she was, but she could see perfectly everyone coming in and coming out of there.

She made a decision and she was going to talk to Noah about it. She was holding a brochure from Boston University, It was only 20 minutes away from Harvard and they wouldn't have to do all that long distance stuff , she had made several calls to make sure she could transfer there from Stanford in case Noah did accepted her idea. She was not going to let him come back to California and leave everything here, She was willing to go where Noah was, she couldn't believe she actually forgot how much she loved him for so long.

Noah walked out of the big building's door next to the very familiar blonde, Chad, who also got transferred from Stanford. They were laughing as they slowly walked down the path.

Valerie was having trouble to breathe, she actually missed him so much all this time she had forgotten him and all this time since he left she she actually had a crush on him. The nightmare was finally over, they'd be Noah and Valerie again.

Valerie was seeing him walk every second getting closer to her. But her eager smile dropped when two girls approached the boys and they both wrapped their arms around a girl. They stopped walking and each one of them was talking to one of the girls. It was pretty obvious they were flirting with them Valerie felt her heart aching, she only looked from the distance.

The girl was giggling and playing with noah's hair in the back of his neck, and Noah's hand was surprisingly low on the girl's bum, he didn't care to hide that he was squeezing her ass while they both talked.

After what seemed like a century, the girls waved goodbye but not before kissing the guys in such a passionate and sexual way , that would make you scream "get a room" from the other side of the street.

They guys continued to walk in Valerie's direction and she only got the strength to move to the grass and hide behind a tree as she sat down on the floor and cried quietly looking down.

"Tamara is so dumb, bro, thankfully she's great in bed, otherwise i would've dumped her ass so long ago" Noah said to Chad while they walked past the tree Valerie was hiding in

"They're just an easy fuck man, if you want another chick, you can get another chick, who i am to judge, Every girl in this university will give it to you pretty easily. You are the king. Choose from the buffet" they both laughed and walked away.

Valerie looked down at the Boston University brochure in her hands as she slowly ripped it in two pieces and held it against her chest as she kept crying on her spot.

She had so much love for him right now, she had missed his touch , his kisses , even if she didn't realize it, and now who was he? he had turned into someone like Chad, She had made him like this, she broke his heart and he decided that being a player was easier than dealing with whatever shit Valerie caused him.

But i guess if Noah could move on, so could she.


Thanks to everyone that put up with this story, with my lame plot twists. I tried my best, is the very first fanfic I have ever completed and I feel accomplished with the reads and ranking it got.

Thank you to everyone that commented and voted, I read every single one of the comments and I tried to reply.

Now go ahead and add the sequel 'VOICEMAIL' to your lists!!! I am planning to upload the first chapter in Christmas morning! So prepare!!!

I don't have much to say other than thank you, this fanfic honestly wouldn't have been finished if you guys didn't motivate me to.

I hope voicemail gets as much attention as wrong number, so see you in my other books, in Christmas, love you guys so much

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