Chapter 35

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I held baby Eren tightly in my arms, her head resting calmly against my chest as I watched Ester climb up through the shaft.

"Alright," Malissa huffed, turning to face me. "Remember, we only have a few minutes to escape. No matter what, I want you to take Eren and run as fast as you can back to Aldean. We will find you, ok? Just keep warm and safe."

"Pfft! What are you, my mother?"

She rolled her eyes and turned away from me, her hand lightly tracing against the table top before she started up the shaft.

I looked down at Eren and sighed.

Moving across the room, I picked up a burning stick from the fireplace and tossed it onto the bed watching as the blankets started to burn. I grabbed another stick and set it atop the table before moving to the exit.

I took a quick glance at Eren to make sure that she was alright before dashing out and into the woods.

Instantly, cold air hit me in the face and I stopped just at the border of where the woods touched the edge of the land of Aldean. I glanced up at the sky and watched as snow fell lightly to the ground, shocking me.

Was it already winter?

I pulled Eren closer to me and made sure that her blanket was wrapped tightly around her before slowly making my way to the ruins of the old kingdom. My shoes crackled against the snow as I stared at the fallen stones.

Slowly I made my way through the tall grass and down the snow covered dirt path. The buildings slowly started coming into view and along with it... the bodies.

I covered my nose and turned my head away as I stood for a second.

Get a hold of yourself.

I took a deep breath and quickly made my way to a house that looked like it was barely standing, but still slightly sturdy. The walls on one side were caved in but the roof still held its form as I looked at it.

I was slightly unsure of whether or not I should rest underneath it or try to find some other place.

"Excuse me?" someone asked from behind, tapping me on my shoulder.

I turned and looked down to see an older woman. She looked a little embarrassed as she fiddled with her dress before she looked up at me. Instantly, she gasped and her eyes went wide as she moved away from me.

My eyes widened and I turned my face from her, covering my eyes with my hand as I moved towards the house.

Climbing over a large stone and a few broken pieces of wood, I made my way to the farthest corner of the house where everything seemed to be closed off before sitting on the ground.

Curling up, I checked on Eren before letting my head rest against the wall.

Now... I have to wait.


"Hamilton?" I heard Malissa whisper. "Are you in here?"

"Yeah," I replied, watching as she struggled to avoid all the debris in the way.

She ruffled the dust from her hair and sat next to me. "We found an old tunnel system under the castle ruins and have set up camp there. We've been gathering food and other necessities before the snow get too thick. Although... Markl hasn't shown up yet."

"Is he lost?" I asked. "Would you like me to find him?"

"No," she sighed. "I think he disappeared on purpose. So, I don't think we should worry much."

Land Of Giants (Discontinued)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora