Day 5.

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Vic's POV

I smiled and looked at Alan who was putting on way too many layers.  Of course, the California native was not used to the cold winters in Michigan like I had grown accustomed to ever since I moved here for school.

"Babe, you don't need that many layers," I laughed.

"Vincent, it is sixteen degrees outside! I need more layers!"

"You literally have four jackets on, wool socks, a hat and a scarf and gloves, you don't need anymore layers."

"Yes I do!" He whined. "It's going to be so cold my dick's going to fall off."

"No it's not. You'll be just fine."

"I'm already cold," he complained. "Why do we have to go ice skating? Can't we just stay here in the hotel and be warm?"

"No, we're going."

"Vee," He whined.

"Ash," I said, pulling my big, marshmellowy boyfriend to me.  "It's fine, you have enough padding that if you fall it won't hurt."

"I'm gonna freeze," He said as I pulled him from the hotel.

"You're fine," I said.

"We'll see."

I rolled my eyes and opened the passenger door for him. "If something happens, you can like yell at me or something."

"I will."

"Okay," I said with a small smile.

"But it's okay, just don't let me fall."

"I would never let you fall my darling," I said.

"Better not."

"I won't!" I shouted.

"Don't shout at me!"

"I'm not," I said and turned up the music when I heard my favorite Christmas song.

Alan looked over at me and took my hand as I drove us, singing along with me.

"I hate Mariah Carey," he told me when we got out of the car.

"Then why did you sing the song with me?"

"Because it's a Christmas song and it's catchy."

"Then don't complain about hating it."

"I can complain all I want."

"You're so grouchy," I informed him as we passed by carolers.

"I fucking hate carolers," he grumbled.

"You're like the grinch."

"I am not!"

"Yes you are! How do you hate carolers?" I demanded.

"Because they're annoying."

"They're just singing," I said and pulled my boyfriend to me. "Why am I just now finding out my boyfriend is actually the scrooge?"

"I don't know."

"Why are you such a scrooge?" I asked him, continuing to walk to the ice skating rink.

"Because the holidays are hard."

"How so?"

"They're just a lot going on."

"I'm sorry baby," I said, holding his hand tight.

"Not in a sad life way Vic. I mean it's just always busy and I just wanna sleep through it all."

12 Days of Christmas {Valan}Where stories live. Discover now