Start from the beginning

"I know" I said, just as quietly back at her not entirely absorbing what she just said yet. As odd as it was, I really did know that she wouldn't have hurt me. I was scared as all get out but I knew deep down that she would never kill me.

"I want you to know that I think you are" she began to say when the light from the fire was suddenly filling my vision and I was being helped to my feet by strong hands. I could hear gasps and quiet murmuring behind me.

"What?" I was shouting to myself in my head. "She thinks I'm what!" Dang it, all this fighting and dying crap was really getting on my nerves. Wait, did she just say she thought I was cute?

Alexei was holding me up as the room came into focus again. There seemed to be a light emanating from him. He stood up straight and unfurled his wings that had been surrounding me and his sister protectively.

Screech! Hold it, wings? Oh yeah, you heard me correctly, wings! Alexei unfolded his wings which were the opposite color of his sister's. Where Katrina's wings were pure white, Alexei's were jet black but they were tinted with gold and silver here and there as the light reflected off them.

He turned to face the awe struck and now silent crowd but not before looking very strangely at me. His eyes went wide and I could have sworn I saw shock and amazement on his face that nearly matched that of the villagers behind him.

His crystal armor shone brightly and the nimbus of light surrounding him added to his majesty and etherealness. His eyes too had changed, they had become almost completely golden in color except for his pupils that were now a brilliant silver.

When he turned around I saw crossbow bolts protruding from his wings and lots of black dots that must be shotgun pellets and bullets all over his feathers and the tanned skin of his back.

He stretched his huge glossy black wings out and they nearly reached from one wall to the other as he flicked them down and up in a quick jerk.

Eighteen quarrels and lots and lots of ammunition clattered and pinged to the floor. The bullets sticking out of his muscled back popped out and fell to the floor along with all the others.

His golden eyes flashed and for a terrifying second I actually though some kind of death beams were gonna shoot out of them and fry all the villagers where they stood. But it was just the flash of anger and fear for his sister's safety. When he spoke however it was as though he had aged a thousand years. His voice still had that melodic soothing tone but there was also a dangerous edge to it.

"Listen to me and listen to me well for I will NOT repeat myself again!" he said and his voice was oddly amplified and somehow I knew that everyone in the entire town could hear him.

"We are not your enemy. True we are part vampire but we were raised by and are also of the Lunar tribe. But more importantly as you can now see" and he spread his wings even further so that they indeed brushed the weathered oaken walls of the tavern.

"My sister and I are of the ancient line called Slayers and as such we have been tasked to rid the world of the vampire scourge by the Archangel Michael himself. These two people with us, we owe a life debt to and they have also been marked by Michael as Shugotenshi."

He gestured to my father who stepped slowly forward. Alexei halted him with a raised hand and his sword arm seemed to twitch.

I didn't see it move but my father's shirt suddenly opened as neatly as an opening book and the black sigil that used to be a gunshot wound was visible to all as it seemed to glow from within as if being near Alexei's shining aura gave it power.

TimeLord The Vampire Chronicles Book One part twoWhere stories live. Discover now