"I know what you're thinking, but the MAFT technically isn't ours," Caspian said. "Our uncle is a rather prominent craftsmen in Attore who has amassed a sizable fortune. That MAFT was actually given to myself and Ele here as a wedding gift."

Unslinging his arm from around Sylvia, Caspian reached over and clasped hands with Elincia, who got the hint and moved closer so she could lean into him. She fluttered her eyelids at Caspian. Her cheeks were just slightly red. She looked very much like a young woman in love.

"Oh... so that's how it is," the man on the left said in disappointment.

"If you don't mind my asking, is something wrong?" Cassidy suddenly asked with a cute tilt of her head. "I mean, this isn't a very large town. I can't imagine a Peacekeeper garrison being stationed here."

One of them men blushed just a bit when Cassidy looked at him. He scratched his head several times before sighing.

"I suppose it couldn't hurt to tell you. We're currently looking for a criminal. They attacked Duke De'Falco but managed to escape. We're tasked with guarding Lígoton in case they try to pass through."

Caspian couldn't keep the frown from his face as he wondered what sort of yarn the duke was spinning. Of course, he had probably decided to tell everyone that what happened during time he tried to execute Sylvia had been an attack. Caspian was sure the duke would play up what happened, making it seem as if someone had tried to kill him. That seemed to be his style.

"T-that sounds really dangerous!" Cassidy said in what sounded like genuine shock. "I'm really glad we didn't run into these criminals when our MAFT broke down."

"You are quite lucky," one of the Peacekeepers said before stepping aside. "Anyway, you five are free to pass. Stay safe."

"We will," Caspian said with a smile as he ushered his "family" into Lígoton.

They walked in silence for a time. Caspian took note of the tense atmosphere surrounding the village. Aside from almost everyone remaining indoors, the few people who were outside constantly glanced over their shoulders. He wondered if they were worried about the "criminals" who had escaped from Cassadinia or the Peacekeepers.

"Why did you do that?" Sylvia suddenly asked.

Caspian was not stupid enough to not know what she was referring to. He sighed and said, "Because if I hadn't, you would have continued acting like Sylvia de Floresca instead of a regular girl. They might not have figured out who we are based on that. However, if they had decided to give us trouble and accidentally touched one of us, they would have discovered that we're being disguised by an illusion." He cast a glance toward the woman. "I know you aren't used to it, but since we're currently in disguise, you need to try and act like a normal person."

Sylvia's frown, which had the same majestic imperialism of a queen, looked incredibly awkward on her young and childish face. "I am a normal person."

Caspian didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This woman was so far from normal that she probably didn't even understand what normal meant.

"What should we do now?" asked Cassidy. "Should we head over to the train station?"

"It's already late, so the trains won't be running today," Caspian said. "We can still buy tickets, but I believe securing a place to stay should come first."

"Why don't we split up?" suggested Christo. "Cassidy and I can buy the train tickets. Meanwhile, you, Elincia, and Lady Sylvia can get us a room at an inn."

It was a good idea, so even Sylvia couldn't disagree with it. That being the case, they quickly split up, with Cassidy and Christo heading to the train station, while Caspian led the two women with him to an inn.

Arcadia's Ignoble Knight: Dark Elf ArcWhere stories live. Discover now