I tuned out and was on the road to nodding off to sleep when she called out my name.

"...Cole and Scarlett," she said and my head jerked up. I looked at Stacy who looked horrified and shocked at the same time.

"What?" I said, confused. "What happened."

"You didn't hear?" Stacy asked slowly.

I shook my head.

"You and Cole are partners for the rest of the year."


I clicked my fingers impatiently as I waited for Ms Garcia to return from the toilet. As soon as she had finished announcing all the names, she had shot of to the toilet, claiming she had an extremely full bladder she had to relieve.

I watched in envy as a grinning Stacy went and sat next to Brandon. She had been lucky enough to actually get someone good for a partner.

Ms Garcia finally came back and I pounced immediately.

"Ms Garcia," I began sweetly and she turned to me with a smile. "Hi, I'm Scarlett Anderson and I was wondering if there was even the slightest chance of me being able to switch part -"

"No, no way. I clearly said that there would be no switches and I meant it Ms Anderson. Absolutely no switching," she stated firmly.

I stepped a little closer and dropped my voice down to a whisper. "Even for a little cash?"

She stepped back, looking at me evenly. "Under no circumstances am I going to be letting anyone, and that includes you, swap partners. Even if you're the president's daughter. A rule is a rule Ms Anderson. Now please go take a seat next to your partner."

I flushed, partly in anger and partly in embarrassment from being told off. "Fine."

Sulking, I located Cole and slumped next to him. He didn't say anything. Neither did I. I pretended to be very fascinated with my binder so I could avoid looking at him.

He cleared his throat. "I'm Cole."

I looked up. Our eyes met. "Scarlett," I said. "But I bet you already knew that," I smirked at him and he frowned.


"What's that supposed to mean?" I frowned.

"It means I wish I didn't know your name."

"What's wrong with knowing my name?"

"The fact that you don't have a personality at all. I like to know actual people, not plastic Barbie dolls," he retorted.

"I'm not plastic or a Barbie doll."

"Not in the literal sense but you're just about as fake as Barbie and her stupid dream house with her stupid, giggly friends and her pink convertible. No doll has that kinda shit, it's just fake."

I blinked, surprised. No one had ever spoken to me that way.

"I sugest you watch what you say or -"

"Or what?" Cole challenged. "You'll make everyone in the school turn against me. Spread rumours about me. Oh, wait, I know, how about jeopardise my future but doing none of the projects in this class and make me fail."

I narrowed my eyes. "You say it like you don't care but in truth, we all know that everyone cares for image."

"Wrong. Very wrong. But of course, someone like you would care about looks."

"What do you mean someone like you?"

"You basically. Rich, cold, fake, emotionless, selfish, self-centred," Cole said. "There is a lot more and I would love to argue with you all day but we all have things we need to get to," he said as the bell rang.

"You know nothing about me!" I half yelled.

"I know everything about a person like you. I bet you tried to bribe Ms Garcia into switching partners, right?"

I didn't say anything. He took my silence for an answer.

"People like you," he said. "They're just plastic."


A/N : HI guys, another update. I want these to be as quick as possible cause some of you may have already read these. Ugh I am not having an all that great day cause I fell and now my knee is swollen and it's hard to walk and ugh my head hurts so I apologize for any embarrassing typos that you may spot and I would appreciate it if you told me.

And you liked it please vote, comment and maybe fan. Anyway, bye bye and I will talk to you in my next update which will probably be somewhere next week.

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