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Once I forgot your taste of lips,
I will always going to describe your face,
I'm no one to tell you this but,
You were the amazing flavor that have never taste.

I know how your lies taste,
sweet, with sugar and colorful at the beggining,
but at the end of the flavor,
it taste like dry, sour, raw with a black sense.

That's how you taste to me now, and I hate it,
I hate you for tricked me like that,
Now you're sorry,
Well I think your sorry taste like sour but sweet.

I took more sips and I don't know if this will hurt my brain,
But I'm sure my veins will not be red anymore,
I don't need anything,
But a cup of your truth, this will be my last chance.

I taste your truth and it hurts like spicy,
Like my tongue and your truth are fighting,
I was hoping to get a beautiful flavor on my mouth,
But your lies are dripping on my neck,
And there's no water to take this taste out.

Somehow, I need to drink at all, so I could live with out any lies from you, erase it and forget your taste.

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