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Philip's P.O.V.

I wasn't sure what to think of this Arielle girl. She seemed very mature for a girl my age. The other girls that are my age in my school are either, rude/fake, or psycho obsessing over some guy. She seemed nice though, but she also said she puts up an act in school, she acts all mature on her own time, but in school, she acts cheerful. I mean, considering she runs some business, she'd have to be mature. She called me again last night, she said she forgot to mention a secret college that her business owns, and how it teaches you how to be a spy criminal. To be completely honest though, being a spy criminal, seems pretty awesome. I'm debating on it though, but I'd love if Oli could join me.

"Babe? Hello?" Oli said, giggling a bit.

"Huh? What?" I asked.

"I think you got deep into thought as you were driving..." He giggled. I laughed, a bit embarrassed.

"Sorryyy..." I said. He giggled.

"No worries." He replied. I smiled and continued to drive to school. 

Once we got there, we both got out of the car and talked. I walked him to his locker, kissed him quick, then ran to my own locker. I ended up meeting up with Connor when I got to my locker, considering his locker is two lockers away from my own. He told me he's with someone, a guy. I told him I was really proud and hugged him. I got all my books and remembered that today's a half day, it's also the day before Christmas Break. Thank god. I ran to my homeroom and got my computer and went to my first class. My first class I had with Connor so we basically just sat next to each other and talked about musicals, Broadway, I'd occasionally bring up some bnha. We laughed and continued to talk, then Johnny walked up to us.

"Sup queers." He snickered, laughing.

"That's funny Johnny, hilarious even, ever consider being a comedian?" I asked. He rolled his eyes and I rolled my own.

"Sup disappointment of a twin." He said to Connor. I stepped in front of Connor and shoved him back. 

"Do you mind asshole?" I asked. He snickered. I rolled my eyes and shoved him back again. 

"How about you shut your big fucking mouth for once, and back the fuck up?" I asked, pissed off that he won't go away. 

"Why should I?" He asked. 

"Because if you don't, I'll beat your ass in front of everyone here."  I replied, clenching my fist.

"Fine." He replied, walking back to his seat next to Bella. Connor hugged me tightly and I smiled.

"Thanks.." He said. I smiled.

"No problem, you're my best friend after all." I replied. We both sat back down and continued to talk. 

After all my classes, I immediately grabbed my phone and stuff from my locker and ran to my car. Oli came soon after me and got in.

"How was your day?" I asked. He smiled.

"Great!" He replied, smiling and giggling. I smiled then I thought of the offer again. Earlier, I met Arielle, she seemed like a decent person, very sincere, but a good person. I told her about Oli and she said it'd be great for both of us to join. I might have to accept this offer. It might be better than I think. I'm going to tell Oli after Christmas. That's my plan. We'll see how this goes. 

I started to drive home with Oli and I talked to him as I did. I feel like Oli could totally make himself a complete badass if he tried. Damn, he'd be even hotter. 

"So, what are you doing for Christmas?" I asked him. He shrugged.

"Honestly, I really have no idea." He replied.

"What if you, your sister, and your mom spent it with us?" I asked. He smiled brightly.

"R-Really? I mean...well, we don't want to intrude or anything..." He said, feeling a bit bad.

"You wouldn't be intruding at all! My parents love you and I'm almost positive they'll love your mom and your sister too!" I said, smiling brightly. He giggled and smiled.

"I'll ask them. Thank you." He said smiling. I smiled and continued to drive home. I couldn't wait to get home and lay down. It's finally Christmas break. I already have Oli's gifts wrapped and ready. I just want to get through Christmas just so I can tell him. I hate hiding this from him, especially since it could determine the rest of our lives. I just really hope he does join me. I don't want to go through this alone. He's seriously my life, I can't lose him because of this.

"Uh? Philip?" He asked. "You spaced out."

"Huh? Oh, sorry. I was just thinking. I was focused." I replied. He nodded and I continued to drive.

I got home and got out of my car and walked into my house. My sister Angie and my brother Alexander were home. I rolled my eyes at Alexander and said Hi to Angie.

"Oh god, the disappointment is home." Alexander snickered. I rolled my eyes and glared at him. 

"Funny, I was just going to say the same thing about you." I replied. He rolled his eyes and shoved me back. I clenched my fists and shoved him against the wall and pinned him down.

"Are you done asshole? You know I'm way stronger than you." I said, keeping him pinned down. 

"Guys! Stop fighting! Philip go upstairs with your boyfriend and Alexander, go in your room or whatever." She said, with a louder tone. I sighed and let him go and grabbed Oli's hand. We walked upstairs and walked into my room and sat on my bed.

"I see what you mean by your little brother being horrible..." Oli said, staring at the ground.

"Yeah, he's always been like that. I don't know where he got that from. He got my dad's full arrogant and asshole side." I replied. Oli sighed and laid his head on my shoulder. I put my arm around him and we sat there. All I can think about is the offer. I need to tell him.

(Sorry this chapter is so damn late. I was suppose to post this like a week or two ago. Hope you enjoyed anyways. I'm most likely just going to do a timeskip instead of writing a whole Christmas chapter. Be ready for Book 2 soon btw uwu)

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