End of the Day

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Oli's P.O.V.

School was typical and boring. Johnny messed with me in English class, just like everyday. I'm used to the bullying by now. It doesn't even bother me that much anymore, depending on what they say. I was skeptical about going to Philip's house but I guess I should just take a chance. If he kills me while I'm there then, well, that sucks I guess.

I hear a ring from my phone and I take it out of my pocket, I saw it was a text from Philip and I smiled a bit and texted back:

Philip✨: Hey! I'm walking to the bus, meet me right in front of the bus :3

Oli✨: K! I'll be there in a minute! :D

I smile and walk to the bus with my backpack on my back. I see him standing in front of the bus and I giggle a bit. "Hey!" I exclaim, smiling and giggling.

"Sup, come on." He smiles and grabs my hand and I blush slightly. We walk on the bus together and I sit on the inside of the seat, basically the window seat and he sits on the end.

"Uh Philip.." Johnny snickered.

"Why is 'the nerd' sitting with you? He's a loser." He laughed and sat back in his seat, diagonal from Philip and I.

"Fuck off Johnny, He's not a loser, you are for calling him one." Philip rolled his eyes and I smiled a bit from him protecting me.

"Heh, Whatever." He snickered and went on his phone as Connor sat across from Philip and smiled at him and I.

"Hey Philip! Hi Oli!" He smiled. Connor seemed nice.

"Hey Connor." Philip replied.

"H-Hi! How do you know my name?" I ask, tilting my head a bit.

"Oh! Philip has been talking about you all da-" He was cut off by Philip putting his hand on mouth and mumbling a bit to him. Philip sat back in his seat and took out his phone from his backpack and texted his mom as he sighed.

"I better not have to watch everyone tonight. Hell no am I watching my siblings." He sighed and face-palmed and I giggled.

"I'm sure they aren't that bad.." I stared in his eyes for a minute and he stared back.

"Trust me, when you meet them, you won't want to be near them." He smiled a bit and I felt myself blush at his adorable smile.

"Sureee Philippp.." I giggle and go on my phone.

"Shit I have a French test tomorrow, Connor, help me study please!!!" He begged Connor and I giggled.

"Can't your dad help you study? He's like fluent in French isn't he?" Connor replied with a slight smile.

"He's gonna be writing all night. Like usual." Philip sighed and looked back at his phone.

Your dad is always working. Why?" Connor asks.

"I guess he just really likes his job." Philip sighs and puts his head on his backpack that lies on his lap.

Connor sighed and went back on his phone and Philip laid his head on my shoulder. I blushed slightly but I ignored it.

~ Time Skip to 20 Minutes Later ~

We get to Philip's stop and he grabs my hand and puts his backpack hanging off one arm and we walk off the bus together. We get to the front of his house and he takes his house keys out of his bag.

"Just be prepared. My siblings, yeah I have 7, so have fun trying to escape them all." He says as he opens the door with his keys.

"7 siblings?! How do you cope with that..?" I ask.

"To be honest, I don't know." He opens the door and grabs my hand as he walks in and about 5 of his siblings run up to us.

"Awh Philip! Who'd you bring home?!" His sister Angelica asks.

"Oli, that's who, and don't go starting rumors and shit." He replies as he brings me upstairs and some of his siblings watch us walk up. His father walks out of his office and smiles at him.

"Hey son, how was school?" His father had a friendly smile, he seemed nice.

"Fine I guess, how's the writing going?" Philip asks with a slight smile.

"Good, Good. Who's your friend?" His father asks.

"This is Oli." He smiles and steps aside so I can wave.

"T-That's me!" I giggle a bit and smile.

"Hi! I'm Philip's father, you can call me Alexander though, and try not to get confused with my other son Alexander." He chuckles and Philip mumbles.

"Alexander, the worst sibling, the asshole." Philip rolls his eyes and Alexander snaps at him.

"Hey, Philip, don't say that about your brother." Alexander exclaims.

Philip sighs and nods in reply and takes my hand again and we walk into his room. His room was a decent size but his house was mostly huge since he has 10 people in his family.

"So, you annoyed of my family yet?" He asks as he throws his backpack down and lays back on his bed.

"I barely know any of them! They all seem nice in their own way though!" I giggle and he squeezes my hand and I blush.

"Just you wait till you meet Alexander, he's a little bully himself, he's an asshole honestly, he's 14." He sighs and sits up and stares right in my eyes.

"You know your really cute right?" He smiles and I turn red but then my eyes get teary.

"W-What? Did I say something? I-I'm sorry I didn't-" I cut him off and I start to cry.

"I-I just nervous...I'm scared you're lying to mess with me.." I cry and he pulls me into a tight hug.

"No! I'd never do that to you!" He hugs me tighter and I squeeze him tightly and feel safer in his arms.

As we continue to hug, his sister walks in and giggles. "Awh Philip!! Did you finally come out as gay?!" She asks and my eyes widen.

"Angie!!! No!! I-" He tears up and pushes her out of the way and runs to his bathroom and locks himself in there.

"S-Shoot...I-I didn't mean to- I didn't mean to expose him like that...ugh I'm so sorry, I ruined your moment with him." She sighs and starts to cry a bit but she quickly wipes her tears.

"N-No it's o-okay...is he actually g-gay..or?" I put my head down and she comes and sits next to me.

"Don't tell him I told you..but yeah..he just hasn't come out yet..he's afraid, he's afraid it'll ruin his reputation.." She sighs and pushes the hair out of her face.

"You should go talk to him...he'd more likely wanna hear from you right now...just let him know I'm sorry..." She says as she walks out of the room. I nod and go up to his bathroom door and knock.

Here goes nothing...

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