A Quick Turn

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Philip's P.O.V.

"P-Philip? I-It's Oli..open the door please.." He pleaded from outside the door. I continued to cry as I opened the door and moved so I was sitting against the wall.

"P-Philip...i-it's okay...I-I hope you know..if you really are gay like your sister said, t-that's not gonna change how I feel about you..wanna know something?..I'm gay too..but..I'm afraid to come out.." He sighs and looks at the floor as he sits in front of me.

"Y-You...You're gay..? R-Really?" I kind of smile a bit and I hug him really tight.

"I-I thought I was alone..." I wipe my tears and hold him on my lap as I hug him tightly. He hugs me back and shakes his head and buries his head into my shoulder. I get up and pick him up with me and I lay him down and I lay next to him.

"D-Do you think you'd be able to stay here tonight? At my house?" I ask as I put my head on his shoulder.

He smiles a bit and replies, "I can text my mom and ask. I doubt she'll mind." I smile and stare in his eyes for a minute. I get completely lost in his ocean blue eyes. I feel like they're hypnotizing me. T-They're so beautiful...like him. We both lean in and we kiss. We kiss for a while..and the kiss deepens and I put my arms around his waist and he puts his arms around my shoulders.

"I-I want you.." I say, my voice shaken a bit.

"I-I want you too.." He replies. I can't help it and I kiss him again and we kiss for about 5 minutes.

"O-Oli..w-will you..b-be mine?" I ask trying not to cry, being scared he'll reject me.

He nods quickly and smiles brightly as he blushes and he lays on top of me and I hold his warm cheeks gently as we kiss again.

~ Time Skip ~

"Are you gonna talk to your sister?" He asks. I nod in reply.

"I'll be back, I'm gonna find her." He nods in reply and I kiss his cheek, then I get up and I walk out my room and I walk downstairs and run up behind Angie and hug her super tight.

"Thank you..." I whisper. She giggles a bit.

"For what? I made you upset earlier." She replies.

"for..exposing me actually..Oli's mine now" I whisper as I laugh a bit. She squeals and hugs me tight and I hug her back.

"I love you lil sis." I smile and squeeze her tighter.

"I love you too." She giggles and squeezes me even tighter.

"Jesus Angie!! You're gonna suffocate me!" I laugh and she lets go and smiles.

"Go hang with Oli." I smile and nod and run upstairs. I run back into my room and jump on top of him and we both laugh and I kiss his forehead.

"My perfect boyfriend..." I laugh a bit and smile and I kiss his nose. He giggles and turns red and I hug him tightly.

"I love you, my perfect angel..." I smile and kiss him deeply and he blushes a ton and kisses back. We hold each other in our arms, not wanting to let go or pull away. Oli's my top priority now. Nothing else matters.

~ Time Skip to the Next Day ~

I wake up with Oli in my arms. I smile at his adorable, smaller, sleeping body. I get up gently and he immediately wakes up and I smile.

"Morning cutie." I smile and he sits up and waves.

"Morning boyfriend." He giggles and I blush a bit at his adorable giggle.

"Shoot...I don't have clothes...I only have an extra pair of jeans in my bag cause I always do. Mostly for like, if Johnny spills stuff on me like always." He sighs and I sit down next to him and kiss his cheek.

"Well, he's not gonna bother you anymore on my watch, and two, you can borrow my clothes, they might be slightly bigger but that should be fine." I smile and kiss him quick and he nods and giggles.

"Thank you." We both get up and open my closet and I get in a yellow Vans sweatshirt with white ripped jeans and white Adidas shoes and he grabs a pink sweatshirt with some roses on the front and puts it on. It's slightly bigger on him but he loves it.

"Now I'll feel like you're with me all day because I have your scent in the sweatshirt!" He giggles then stops for a minute as he blushes.

"Sorry...was that creepy?" He turns red and I shake my head and laugh.

"No it wasn't creepy, it was cute." I smile and walk into the bathroom and fix my hair and he fixes his as well right next to me. I brush my teeth and I give him an extra toothbrush so he can brush his. He leaves his toothbrush on my bathroom sink counter, which I'm fine with since he's most likely gonna be here more often anyways. We both grab our backpacks and I grab 2 granola bars for Oli and I and we run to the bus. He giggles and I laugh as we walk on the bus. Heads turn confused as people look at us holding hands but, I don't care, I'm not afraid to be judged anymore. Judge me all you want. As long as I have my perfect angel Oli, I'll be completely fine.

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