"Who's up for breakfast?" He asked, "My treat." That was all he had to say. All the guys were up for a free breakfast, and that meant that we were all going. I was glad to see that he brought us to the Moon Café again. I was also glad to see that the waitress from yesterday morning was not present.

Again, Edward suggested what I should have, raspberry mocha coffee with a carrot cake. I had to admit, he had amazing taste.

Breakfast passed pretty smoothly. Rose was in Emmett's lap and Alice and Jasper were holding hands on the table. This drew attention to the no contact space that Edward and I were keeping. Random waitresses would stop to check how we were doing. It took a lot of effort to keep from giving each and every one of them death glares.

As if he was just as tired of their flirting as I was, Edward slung his arm over the back of my chair. I wanted to lean into him, but I didn't know if that would be pushing it too far.

After breakfast, Alice and I had to change. Jasper and Edward followed us back to our dorm while Rosalie and Emmett had gone back to his apartment to do God knows what. I sure didn't want to know.

Alice was ransacking my closet as the guys watching in amusement. "Bella where is that outfit I bought you two days ago. I want you to wear it today."

"I don't know. Maybe I accidentally set it on fire." Edward laughed behind me. I was glad I was holding onto a chair. May knees almost gave out. I secretly wondered if he knew the affect he had on me. I wondered if he found my reactions entertaining.

"Bella, be serious. I need to know where you put it."

I sighed as I went to my 'do not touch' drawer. It was full of the stuff Alice had gotten me over the past few weeks that I never wanted to wear. It wasn't that they didn't look good on me, it's just not something I felt comfortable wearing. I pulled out the skirt and shirt and tossed them at her. She smiled and sat me down. She seemed to enjoy my torture more now that she had an audience.

"Alice, maybe you could just let Bella get dressed so that we could go." I loved Jasper right now.

"But Edward got her all yesterday. It's not fair." I rolled my eyes. She made it sound like they were trying to share and exciting new toy.

"Alice, you do this every day. Is a weekend off too much to ask for?"

"Yes," she said matter of factly. I knew I wasn't going to win. I closed my eyes to endure my torture.

Alice didn't take long, which I was glad for. She forced me into a small pink outfit. Finally finished, she and Jasper left to begin their day, leaving Edward and me alone in the dorm.

He seemed to be deep in thought about something. His back was to me. His elbow was placed on my desk and his chin was resting in the palm of his hand. I slowly walked over to him and looked over his shoulder. He wasn't thinking, he was sleeping. I wanted to laugh, but I still felt guilty. He wouldn't have been so tired if he had slept in his own bed.

I shook him gently and he groaned. I knew from living with Charlie that I could probably move without waking him. I took his hand and pulled him from the chair. I pushed him down onto my bed and watched him sleep for a moment. There was something about how peaceful he looked. I wished that I knew what was in his dreams making him so happy.

I flipped off my light switch and went to my computer. I had three reports due this week. Now would be the perfect time to write them. I felt oddly rested and alert. I was able to finish the first two reports easily. Half way through the third I heard movement. I turned to see Edward sitting up in my bed with the most adorable confused expression. "How did I get here?"

I giggled as his gaze rested upon me. "I moved you. I figured you needed some sleep since you let me have your bed last night."

He looked at the clock a little surprised. He had been asleep for more than three hours. "I didn't realize I was so tired." He got up and held his hand out to me. "I need to do something so that the day isn't wasted."

I grabbed my keys and purse and let him lead me out the door. He pulled me onto the street and looked up at the sky, "I can't believe you let me sleep."

I shrugged, "I had work to do, and you were tired because of me. It's really not a big deal."

I realized that we were walking to the student center. Edward had yet to let go of my hand. I shyly tightened my own hold. He smiled at me and repositioned his hand so that our fingers were intertwined. I loved being connected to him. As enveloped as I was in Edward, I did not miss the looks that every girl in the student center gave me. Some were of shock, which I could understand, but most were of pure rage. I hated being the center of attention, but their glares gave me a small sense of satisfaction.

Edward didn't seem to notice any of them. "Are you hungry for anything in particular?"

"No," I never really craved anything from the student center. I wasn't a big fan of mass produced food. But I was willing to eat it if that's what Edward was in the mood for. "Whatever you want is fine."

Again he seemed to read my mind. Maybe he just read my face. My mother had always told me that my thoughts were always written so clearly on my face. "There's a little restaurant down the street. It will taste better than anything here."

We walked down the street and found the restaurant that he was talking about. "I thing you eat out far too much if you know where all these hole-in-wall restaurants are."

He shrugged it off. "That knowledge has certainly come in handy this weekend."

It was nice having dinner with him. We ate and conversed easily. We talked about classes and future plans. We talked about our families. I learned that his family had bought the old mansion on Mason Drive. There had been rumors of vampires in the mansion during recent years. We made plans to have a search for them over Christmas break.

After we finished eating, I needed to go and finish my report. Edward took my hand again and walked me to my door.

"I'll see you tomorrow, right?"

He seemed nervous. I couldn't understand why he thought I didn't want to spend time with him. "I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of each other. Alice and Jasper have become inseparable."

He chuckled, "Right." He scratched the back of his head with his free hand. "Well good night." He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. I wanted so badly to turn my lips to touch his, but I didn't want to startle him. I stood perfectly still and savored the feeling of the contact.

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