14:New Member

Beginne am Anfang

"Sorry I shouldn't have done and said that. Sorry!"

"Ross do you have to be such a jerk"

"Hey being a jerk is part of the rockstar image"

"You know can't be jerk and stop copying dialogues from camp Rock"

"That means you forgive me?" He asked with hopeful eyes

"Of course. I have to write a song with you, I can't stay mad even if I want to"

"Well that's the spirit because we are one hour late" Rocky said. For how long was he there? I just laugh and we 3 went to the practice room. Ross sat on the piano seat and Riker grabbed his black acoustic guitar and we started writing a song. They played some tunes and I started suggesting words about situation. They helped me out with 'guys feelings' because Hello I'm a girl. So at last we finished the song and it was time to sing the song with the whole team.

"Baby give it all up, up, I'd give it all up,
If I can't be with you!
All of this stuff sucks, yeah all of this sucks
If I can't be with you!
No Oscar,
No Grammy,
No mansion in Miami
The sun don't shine the sky ain't blue,
If I can't be with you!"

We finished our practice and went to the dinning area. And they all started giving a full menu to Rocky that he could make for us. Why are they bothering to do that? The most complicated dish that Rocky can make is peanut butter and jelly.

"Yes sir.....yeah thank you sir...." Ryland came opening the front door.

"Hey Ryland.....you seem happy....did you get a gig? Rydel asked looking at him.

"More like gigs.....and it's not just me"

"What do you mean?"Riker asked excitedly

"Guys I am the opening act of all the concerts of R5 all over the wooorrrrllllddd" Ryland said like making a huge announcement. Yeah he did make a huge announcement. R5 is going on world tour. Everyone group hugged.

" Okay guys our first performance is next Saturday in Cali ,San Francisco...and we leave for San Juan, Puerto Rico two days after." Ryland informed.

"Guys but I don't have clothes to wear, how will I shop for so many days in less than a week" Rydel said making a crying puppy face.

"O come on Rydel,  you will shop in each and every corner of the country so you will have clothes anyway. Just pack for Puerto Rico and you are sorted" Rocky commented and everybody laughed.

"Okay I'm calling carpenter." Ross said picking his phone

"Why?"I asked.

"We need a new bunk. Aren't you gonna come?"

"I was not expecting it"

"Hey you are part of the band and a family now, you surely are coming." Rocky said giving me a side hug.

"Slow down Ross I booked a new bus. It is bigger and has 10 bunks and a dog bed." Ryland said

"Ok I have questions
First:why 10 banks we are 6 + Laura thats 7
Second: why a dog bed
And third: ah..ah.. I don't know three questions sounds good" Riker said and we rolled our eyes. Classic Riker.

"1:Guess what mom-dad are coming with us
  2: about th....." He was cut off by the opening of door, Mark and Stormie were back.

"About the dog bed.... surprise!!!!" Stormie said pulling out a basket with a black pug.

Everyone was so happy and started suggesting names to the pug. And I was not.

While they were so engrossed in playing with the new member, Ross noticed I was not there with them. He looked at me and asked shaking his head what happened. I just shook my head in no and went up to my room. After a while there was a knock on my door. "Come in" I said and Ross came in.

Raura:R5 and the songwriterWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt