"Vegeta went to the doctor," Goku blurted out.

"He did?!"

"What did they say?"

"He has a stomach bug he says."

"Oh that makes sense. Or maybe the flu. I'm guessing he did want to nuisance anyone."

"Don't tell him I told you."

"I wont and sorry about what I said earlier. I was pretty upset," she apologized.

"It's fine Bulma. He's mine as much as he's yours," Goku spoke mindlessly, "I'm sorry. That came out so wrong."

Bulma laughed at his reply, "it's fine Goku. Go take care of that big baby that's in there."

"Okay." Goku made his way back into Vegeta's room and the smaller saiyan was still on the bathroom floor. "Vegeta, I'm carrying you to bed," Goku stated as he picked him up and put him into bed, "I have you some orange juice to help settle your stomach.

"Thank you Kakarot."

"Mmhmm." Goku couldn't help but to feel a little guilty about what he said to Bulma. Technically they were sharing Vegeta and he knew that. He's starting to believe that Bulma knows the truth she's just denying it.

"Kakarot, what's on your mind?"

"Everything that's been going on. I felt bad talking to Bulma knowing that we've been doing things for months in secret."

"It does sound pretty bad once you say it out loud. Listen Kakarot, everything is okay. I really do l-" he started to say but trailed off.

"Vegeta what is it?"

"Nothing. I think I need to lie down.," he mumbled as he got under the covers.

"If you say so. I miss training with you," Goku pouted.

"I see you're eager for me beat your ass," Vegeta boasted.

"In you dreams Vegeta."

They both erupted into laughter and it was honestly the best laugh that they both have had in awhile. Goku adored seeing Vegeta chuckle in front of him. It was the most alive his eyes have been in awhile. For the last week Vegeta has seem so lifeless and it's been killing Goku to see him that way but he has enjoyed taking care of his secret lover.

Eventually their laugher calmed down and Vegeta seemed to be in thought. To Goku noticed the older saiyan contemplating on saying something. He couldn't help but to wonder what he was thinking about. He knew it wasn't bad because of his body language but it only made Goku even more curious to see what was on Vegeta's mind.

"Vegeta? Whatcha thinking about?"

Vegeta bit his lip and signaled Goku to come closer to him. "Kakarot. Sit here," he stated. Goku didn't say anything but nodded and sat beside him on the bed. "I have to tell you something."

"Okay. What is it?"

Vegeta opened the drawer and pulled out the pills he took earlier along with a pregnancy test. He sat them on this legs and waited for Goku to noticed what he pulled out. "Um.... Look," he told Goku nervously.

When Goku looked his eyes widened at the sight that was in front of him. He didn't know what to make out of what Vegeta was trying to show him. Goku didn't know if Vegeta was toying with him or serious.

"You're joking right?"

"What the entire hell Kakarot?! Do you think I would play about this? Why the hell do you think I haven't been training with you," Vegeta snapped

"Vegeta... Calm down," Goku pleaded.

"Why should I?"

"I just wanted to know if it was real or not," Goku said gently. Goku felt shock at the sudden announcement by Vegeta. He didn't quite know how to feel at that moment. Goku was scared, happy,excited, and sad all at the same time. He didn't want to upset Vegeta no more than he already was but he just didn't know how any of this works. "How did we do this?"

"Sex apparently jackass."

"I know that but when? And how far along are you?"

"That drunken night I guess. I'm no more than a month. The night after we did something our tails grew back. I should've known something was different but I didn't pay attention to the signs before it was too late," he admitted.

"Does anything look different on you yet?"

"You be the judge of that," Vegeta said as he pulled up his shirt. Goku saw a little baby bump forming on his belly. He smiled and touched his belly. Vegeta flinched at first but his face softened once he realized what he was doing.

"How are we suppose to do this?"

"I don't know Kakarot. I'm scared."

"Vegeta, don't be. I'll be here every step of the way."

"No Kakarot. You don't understand. I can't tell Bulma this or anyone for that matter. I can't be around here. I just can't."

"Vegeta is that all you're thinking about is yourself. That baby that you are carrying is mine too. I'm not letting you go anywhere without me and that's final. You think this isn't going to change things between Chi Chi and I? Also my children? Then you're mistaken. I'm not letting you go anywhere without me being there."

"Kakarot you can't tell me what the hell to do. This is my fucking life and I'm surely not going to listen to an idiot like you about my body and the child that I am carrying," Vegeta hissed.

"It's our child," Goku growled, "I have the right to see my baby grow whether you like it or not. You're not going anywhere.

"Get the fuck out Kakarot. We are done here," Vegeta yelled.

"Fine. I hope you're happy.

Goku stormed out of the room but before he left out a wave a sadness was on his face. Vegeta felt bad after blowing up on Goku like that. He knew he wanted Goku to be in the baby's life but he's just scared. He also knew that he didn't mean what he said to his lover but he knew he had messed up big time.

"I have to do something about this. No matter the cost. I'm sorry Kakarot. Please forgive me," Vegeta said as he held his stomach and pulled himself out of bed and left out of his home.

Author's Note
- Things just got real between these two. Don't worry things only just get worse from here or does it? *giggles*

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