Fake love

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I wake up and yawn, moving around in the sheets I woke up Sami. "Morning kitty, I will be back, i'm going to go make breakfast." She groans. "Don't go.." I look at her, surprised. 'Did she really break that fast?' I asked myself.

She grabs my arms gently and pulls me towards her. I looked at her eyes, she didn't seem broken. Maybe she just finally realized she belongs here, with me. She pulls me closer and hugs me. I hug back but before I ask her. "What was that for?" She tilts her head.

"What do you mean Sarah?" She acts if the situation was normal and nothing was wrong. "Uh, nothing, never mind."

She finally lets me go and I go upstairs to make her breakfast. As I am cooking, I think about why she acted like that. Though, maybe I am over-analyzing it.

I finish cooking and turn on the faucet to fill up a glass of water. Pulling the cup from under the faucet I put it on the tray and walk back downstairs.

I open the door and carefully walk down the steps, not wanting to fall. I reach the cold concrete floor and walk towards her, setting the tray on the blanket.

I plop down beside her and stare at her while she eats. She notices me staring and asks me, "Why are you staring at me?" I look away in surprise.

"Uh, just admiring your beauty." I said to her, hopefully not making her suspicious. "Uhm, oh, thank you." She says back to me. I nod and she continues eating.

I kissed her cheek and her eyes widen. I wonder what she was thinking about. She did look freaked out, maybe even disgusted. "What's wrong?" I ask her.

"Oh! Uhm, nothing sorry." She says looking panicked. I see that she has finished eating and pick up her tray. "I will be back." I tell her before disappearing through the door.

I drop the tray into the sink, I would just clean it later. I walk over to the large bookshelf in the living room. I scan the shelves for a good book.

Looking it over twice I finally find a book I want to read. I grab the book and walk downstairs with it. Walking over to her I sit down next to her and hand her the book.

"Thanks." She says to me. "No problem, I hope you find that one interesting, I didn't know what to get. I would have gotten a movie but you don't have a tv down here."

She nods and opens the book to start reading.

~~3 hours later~~

"I should go cook dinner, I will be back." I tell her. She nods and puts down the book. "You don't have to stop reading." She shakes her head.

"I know I'm just going to get some rest while I wait" Almost at the door, she says, "love you." In a monotone voice. Almost as if she doesn't mean it.

"Love you to" I say to her before going through the door. I do the usual close and lock door, and go to the kitchen. Searching through the freezer I find one of those frozen pizzas.

Seeming it would be good I read the directions and preheat the oven. When the oven beeps I take the pizza out of the box and set it on a circular pan.

Opening the oven door I put the pizza in there and put on a timer for 26 minutes. For the rest of my time I got to the living room and watch tv.

~~26 minutes later~~

I hear the oven time go off and dash to the kitchen. Putting oven mitts on my hand I open the oven door and pull out the pizza. I let the pizza cook off for about 5 minutes before cutting it into slices.

I take two plates, one for me and one for her. I unlock the door and open it, carefully walking down the stairs. When I reach the concrete ground I step over to Sami.

She seem asleep, so I lightly shook her awake so she could eat. She yawns and sits up still a bit tired I assume. She starts to take bites of the pizza.

I see her smile so I guess it's good. When we finish eating I get up. "Where are you going?" She asks. "Upstairs to sleep." She turns her head away from me.

"Can I sleep in the bed with you? The floor is sort of uncomfortable." I think it over for a small amount of time and nod.

Walking over to her I unhook the shackles. "Don't try anything." I say to her as I pick her up and carry her upstairs. She nods.

I put her on the opposite side with no nightstand so she can't raid the drawers. I pull out handcuffs from the closet. Don't ask where I got them, I guess I thought I would need them.

I open the cuffs and chain one to her hand and one to the bed pole. She turns over and lays down on her side. I get in the bed with her and pull myself against her, sleeping with her.

"Goodnight" She says. "Night." I say back to her.

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