The movie

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Pulling up the the movie theater parking lot, I see Ami and Sami standing outside the doorway. Before getting out, I stare at Sami, looking her up and down.

"She's so beautiful.." I mutter under my breath. I open my door and grab my wallet, walking up to the couple. "Hey Sami! Excited for the movie?" I ask with a fake grin plastered on my face.

She turns to face me and smiles. "Yeah! I've wanted to see this movie for a while!" She said to me joyfully.

"Awesome, lets go in then, I will pay." Any thing is worth it being with her, I thought to myself. We walk in and I pay for the tickets, and Ami buys the snacks.

All three of us head to the large room and choose seats. Of course, Ami and Sami sit together. Since they are, a couple.

Half way through the movie, Sami tells us she needs to use the bathroom. 'This is my chance!' I lifted myself from my seat and followed her. Almost out of the aisle, Ami asks me where I am going.

"I'm going to refill my drink." I say to her bluntly.
She buys my lie and I walk off, following her to the restroom. She walks out of one of the stall and starts washing her hands.

I scan the bathroom, to my surprise no on else was in here. I sneakily walk up behind her and grab her. I put a chloroform cloth on her face and she struggles to get out of my grip.

She finally passes out and I pick her up bridal style. I carried her out to the emergency exit, walking to my car from there. When I get to my car I open the door and gently lay her in the back seat.

Closing the door, I open the driver's seat side and turn on the engine. Quickly, I pull out of the parking lot not wanting to be caught.

It's almost been three hours, and I still haven't found any form of shelter. I'm completely surrounded by trees and forest animals, some which occasionally  jump out.

About forty minutes later I find a lone cabin. Slowly, I pull into the drive way, the turn was small compared to my big truck, so it was hard to get in without going off path.

Getting out of the truck, I walk around the premise and explore. After walking around the outside I try to open the front door. Somehow, it was openable, it just looked so old that I had thought the hinges rusted

The kitchen was on the right of me once I walked in. Everything seemed in place, it even had furniture, it was just torn up, dirty, or rusted.

At the end of the hallway there is a door that leads to a basement. Walking downstairs I find two extra rooms and a sort of living room. One of the rooms is a bathroom, and the other is a bedroom.

I walk back outside and open the car door. Revealing to me my beloved still fast asleep. I pick her up bridal style can carry her to the basement. Carefully I lay her on the cold concrete ground.

Realizing she could get away easily I remember I bought shackles, don't ask me why, I thought it would be necessary.

So again, I walk back outside and grab my tools from my truck. Walking back inside, I go back down to the basement and hook the shackles to the wall.

Opening the latch to the shackle, I hook it around her neck and snap it shut. Then doing the same for her hands. Not thinking that I would need it for her legs.

After a 'job well done' I go back upstairs, lock the basement door, and fall asleep, seeing that it is 1 am.

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