Last Christmas (Ying/Maggie)

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I wrote this for the holidays, and while it may be a little late now, it's never too late for festive lesbians!


Last Christmas, Ying have her heart to someone special. Or at least, she felt like she did.

As she watches Joshua's boyfriend sweep him into an affectionate hug, her heartstrings pull, and she knows she wasn't as stingy with her love as she probably should have been. She sinks deeper into Ethan's couch, watching the party go on but not feeling particularly festive.

She doesn't know what she hopes to achieve by watching the kind, green-eyed man give his horribly-wrapped gift to Joshua, but somehow she can't tear herself from this seat. Her heart feels heavier and heavier, and she worries she might drown in these peppermint cushions before she's ever free.

They just... they look so happy.

Stop watching them, Ying. She tells herself firmly.

She manages to tear her gaze away from Joshua's bright smile, and she looks down at her lap. She shifts her legs around sullenly, gazing at her festive socks. Even the little reindeers with jingly Christmas bows can't make her feel better.

Her vision begins to swim, and she knows it's time to go. Her chest feels so tight that her sniffle comes out as a hiccup. In a jerky movement, she pushes herself to her feet and weaves her way through the chattering party-goers, trying to make it out of the living room before the waterworks really start.

She doesn't make it.

She scrubs as her face, feeling the tears start, and she can't make out faces anymore, just people she needs to get by.

"Ying?" Someone asks with concern, and Ying chokes back a sob. She doesn't want anyone to see her cry!

She pushes past them and tries to move faster, but when she reaches the doorway, someone catches her arm, stopping her.

"Ying..." The same voice says more softly, and she feels the person gently turn her towards them. She can't fight it anymore, she's already been caught.

The voice is familiar, but she doesn't recognise it until the person reaches out to gingerly brush a hand over her damp cheek. Ying blinks the tears away, and she gazes at Maggie with wide eyes.

For there she is, Maggie, in all her sweet and hipster glory. Dressed in her Christmas colors with a soft Santa hat on her head, she looks more at home at this party than Ying does, even with her socks and her sweater and her green headband.

"Maggie..?" She sniffles, and her friend gives her a gentle smile.

"What's up, cutie? What's... what's bothering you?" She steps closer with concern, her brow pinched, and Ying sniffles again, feeling the tears threatening to spill over again.

"I... It's nothing." She chokes, and Maggie frowns.

"No... No it's not." She takes Ying's flushed cheeks in her hands, and she wipes her tears away with her thumbs. "Is it Joshua..? Because if it is, I knew this wasn't a good idea, I..."

"No, Maggie, really. It's okay." Ying takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. She lets herself find stability in the support of Maggie's hands. "I just... I'm still getting over it, that's all... I... I just need to a-accept that no one loves me like that this Christmas."

"Oh... No, baby..." Maggie murmurs. "I wouldn't say no one."

Ying blinks her eyes open to look at Maggie with confusion. "What do you mean? Y-you don't know that..."

Maggie gives her a soft, secret smile. "Oh, I do, I promise. Look." She nods to above them, and Ying tilts her head up to look.

When she spots it, she gasps: the little green leafed plant with white berries. Mistletoe.

When she looks back down to Maggie, her eyes have widened. "Do you mean—"

Maggie beams. "Yes! But only if you'd have me." 

She plays at a chivalrous tone, and even through her tears, Ying can't help but giggle. 

With her weak smile, she manages to stutter, "I'd— If you want to, I'd love... You want to?"

Her face suddenly feels warm, and she's filled to the brim with jitters. Maggie's face also looks suspiciously warm, and she bites her lip.

At a loss for words, she nods.

When Maggie kisses her, it's warm and soft, and tastes like gingerbread. Ying trembles and leans into her, her hands fluttering to her shoulders, partly to be closer, partly because she worries she'll fall if she doesn't.

When they pull back, they're both giddy and grinning, and Ying doesn't expect her to kiss her again, but she does.

They kiss till Ying loses all track of time, till her mind is spinning and her lips are tingling, and until Ethan catches them. He trips over the rug in his surprise, spilling red and white snacks everywhere, and Ying laughs till she can no longer feel the ache in her heart.

For the rest of the party, Maggie stays by her side, gently tangling her hand in Ying's, and Ying thinks that maybe... maybe she's finally found someone to hold onto her heart.

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