Beneath the Bleachers (Ethan/Joshua)

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If you're a fan of Ethan and Joshua, try on this AU for size! I wrote it a long while ago, but I think it's complete enough to share as a nice valentines day present for myself and y'all! 

In this au, Joshua and Sundo don't find each other again until college, for reasons I might explore in another one-shot. This one focuses on Josh and Ethan, and our boy Ethan helps Joshua understand his sexuality under... different circumstances. :^)


Beneath the bright Colorado sky, high school students run around in their gym wear, begrudgingly playing flag football while trying to pretend they're not sort-of enjoying themselves. The coach's whistle bleats loudly every so often, when they get too rough or blatantly ignore the rules that she already went over five times.

From beneath the shade of the bleachers, Joshua peers out at the commotion. A small crinkle is gradually forming between his brows as he watches.

"Are you sure we're not going to get caught for this?" He asks as Ethan climbs over the bleachers' support beams behind him.

With a shrug, Ethan slides his backpack off his shoulder, onto the slightly overgrown grass.

"Does it matter if they do?" He quips. "It's the last week of school. Live a little, Joshie!" 

He sprawls out beside his friend without a care in the world, and when Joshua continues to gaze pensively out at the P.E. class they're missing, Ethan tugs on his sleeve to capture his attention again.

Grudgingly, Joshua turns to face him, putting his worries figuratively and literally behind him. He regards Ethan, with those bright eyes if his, more clear than the sky itself, and that infectious grin...

Joshua can't stop the small little laugh that escapes him, and he knows part of it is all nerves. On a normal day, he'd never even consider skipping class, let alone doing something as risky as camping out right beneath the noses of their teachers.

"When did I become such a delinquent?" He asks, mostly to himself, but Ethan flashes him a grin.

"Since you started hanging out with me, Bueller."

He shoots Joshua a wink, and Joshua rolls his eyes, smiling despite himself.

"Is that so?" 

He finds himself playing along, leaning closer, his hands pressing onto the damp grass beneath him. Inexplicably, he's filled with the need to match Ethan in his teasing, and he relishes in the surprise on his friend's face as he does so. 

"I'm pretty sure I'm more of a Cameron," he hums. "You're Ferris Bueller, Ethan."

Ethan snorts, casually tilting his head to one side. "That's true." He agrees playfully.

Ethan's watching him with curious eyes, and Joshua realises only now how close they are. His heartrate trips up in his chest, and heat rushes to his face. He immediately pulls himself back, out of Ethan's space.

"Um, so, what did you bring?" He asks, clearing his throat.

If he didn't know better, he'd say there was a flare of disappointment in his friend's eyes, but it's gone as quickly as it comes, as Ethan turns to open up his backpack.

"Well," he says, smiling as he always is. "I've got soda. I didn't know which ones we'd want, so I brought one of each. Here, take your pick."

Ethan holds his bag out to Joshua, and Joshua peers into it. Beside his school things—books, notebooks, binders—there's an assortment of sodas. Joshua finds a smile tugging at his lips again as he looks through them, and he pulls out a root beer for himself.

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