I Want it That Way (Ethan/Joshua)

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I was listening to the radio and Inspiration Struck. Also, alternate timeline.


"Ethan, stop."

Joshua is fighting a smile as he walks down the street, as Ethan rolls beside him in his dad's pickup truck. He's got the windows rolled down and the radio blaring.

"Am I your fire... Your one desire..?" He sings along, pointing to Joshua dramatically.

"Ethan." Joshua laughs.

"Yes, I know it's tooo late, but I want it thaaat way! Tell me why! Ain't nothing but a heartache... Sing with me!"

"No, oh my god, you dork."

"Ain't nothing but a mistake, tell me why! I never want to hear you say: I want it that way!" Ethan clutches at his chest, singing his soul out as he cruises down the road. "Come here, come here."

He grins at Joshua as he gestures him closer, rolling to a stop at the corner of the neighborhood. Joshua looks around to make sure no one's watching them, for fear of an embarrassing story of un-live-down-able proportions. When he finds the coast is clear, he sighs and steps up to the window.

He rests his elbows on the door and leans in, and Ethan places a finger under his chin playfully.

"Hey there, gorgeous." He coos over the Backstreet Boys, and Joshua rolls his eyes. "Can a guy get some sugar?"

"No." Joshua says, struggling and failing to keep a smile from turning up the corners of his lips.

Ethan pouts. "I'm gonna keep singing..."

"No...!" Joshua laughs. "Anything but that!"

Ethan's face lights up as Joshua leans in through the window, and he sits up to meet him with a kiss.

When he pulls back, Joshua narrows his eyes in a mock glare.

"Now," he says, "are you going to take us to the movies or not?"

Ethan flashes him a sporty grin and revs the engine. 

"Oh, you know it. Hop on in, babe!"

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