Matt x Altean!Reader

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Screams filled the palace.. Loud shootings were heard outside.. "Soldier (Your Name)!.. King Alfor needs you!.. Now!.." An Altean soldier yells. You ran to main room. You see King Alfor waiting. "(Your Name), I'm putting you and Coran to protect my daughter when I'm gone... Protect my daughter with your life, (Your Name).." King Alfor said. You were a young soldier but you knew that you must keep your promise. "I will guard her with my life, Your Majesty.." You said, kneeling.

"Thank you.." King Alfor said. You then stand up. King Alfor then placed his hand on your forehead, placing you in a pod. You were unconscious and asleep.. This was the last time you would ever see Altea..

10,000 years later...

You eventually were awake and still very much alive. To this day, you were alongside Voltron and Princess Allura. You were there with them but on the sideline since you were one Altean Soldier. One day, the green paladin named Pidge brings another human. "(Your Name), I would like you to meet my brother, Matt." Pidge said. The boy named Matt looks at you.

"I'm Matt Holt.. Pleasure to meet such a beautiful lady.." Matt says, grabbing you hand and kissing it. You stood there in shock. You then pull your hand away from him, blushing a bit. "I-I'm (Your Name).. I am an Altean Soldier.. The only Altean Soldier left..." You said, looking down. Matt senses that your upset and placed his hand on your shoulder. "You won't be alone.. Not while I'm here!" Matt said, flexing his arms. Pidge rolls her eyes.

You smirked a bit from his humor. "So, you wouldn't mind if we trained together then?.." You asked, getting closer to his face. Matt blushes a bit and laughs. "Of course! Who wouldn't want to spend time with THE Matt Holt?.." He said. Pidge then grabs Matt, pulling him to the side and whispers something in his ear. Matt blushes and nods. "I'll leave you two to talk.." Pidge says.

Three months later..

You and Matt became best friends. Both of you were like two peas in a pod. Today, Matt was out on a mission while you were in the training room. While you were training, the speakers went on. "(Your Name), Matt's back!" Pidge says. You were overjoyed to hear those words. You stopped your training sequence and ran out of the room. You then see Matt, looking around for you.

"MATT!" You yelled, running towards him and practically lunging on him. "Nice to see you too, (Your Name)!" Matt said, hugging you back. You soon realize that you were holding Matt down so you got off him, blushing bright pink. "How was your mission? Did you fight some bad guys?.." You asked, your eyes sparkling with joy. "Heck yeah I did! You should've seen it, (Your Name)!" Matt said. He then proceeds to talk about his mission, saying that he fought a Galra ship.

"That sounds awesome, Matt!.. Maybe next time, I could go along with you.." You said, standing up. Matt then stands up. "You should! Let's see if they'll allow you to come next time!" He said, using his trademark adorable smile. Your heart skips a beat when he smiles. His smile was really hypnotizing to you and it would cause you to get lost in his eyes. "(Your Name)?.. Are you okay?... Your staring off into space again.." Matt said, waving his hand in front of your face. You soon grew conscious and realized you were staring at him for a while, this made you blush bright red.

"I'm so sorry! I can get distracted easily sometimes..." You said, covering your face. "It's okay! I can get like that too.." Matt said. Both of you then took a walk together, talking about stuff and telling each other jokes. "Hey, (Your Name)?... Can I ask you something?.." Matt asked. You nodded. "Let's say a guy walks up to you and asks you to be his girlfriend, would you say yes?..." Matt asks, blushing bright red and averting his eyes away from your face. You blushed from the question and thought about it.

Does he like me?... No, it can't be.. Or... Is he in love with someone else?... You thought. "Well, it depends on if I know the guy and I began developing feelings for him.." You said, averting your gaze away from Matt. "Oh.. I guess that makes sense.. Anyways, meet me in my room after we have dinner!.. I've got a huge surprise!.." Matt exclaimed. He soon left and headed off towards Pidge's room. Confused on his actions, you shrugged it off and walked back to your room. It was around six in the afternoon, you began to wonder about Matt's odd behavior. Since Matt said that he had a surprise, you decided to go to take a shower and find something to wear.

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