24. Crowley

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Three months.

Three months of my body fighting for control only to die. Hopefully, I'd still be here to stop the Leviathans.

Dean wouldn't ever leave Kevin's side until he left, so I was never able to talk to him alone. Meg, in the short hours that had unfolded, had taught me a little on how to use my demonic abilities. I'd even gotten to fight the angels. The female tried to kill Cas, but Meg was able to jump in and kill her first. The male had been holding me to a wall. Castiel had disappeared and there was no telling where to. Meg had run off, too, not before I got her number. She said that she was available if I ever learned something else and needed help.

One thing we'd learned was that to stop Dick, we'd need the blood of the fallen and a bone. Castiel, being a fallen angel, gladly gave us some of his blood.

We were currently still in that cabin, but we had gotten a new ride. A Plymouth Roadrunner. Orange. If it weren't for the paint job, I'd say it was a sexy beast.

I was watching the news on my phone when I saw her. Leviathan Me. She was giving a speech on behalf of Dick Roman. It was about how they were currently running the corn syrup supply and how Dick himself wanted to personally thank each one of his sponsors. I rolled my eyes and clicked off. Leviathans were stupid enough, but seeing one with your face? No thanks.

Sam was researching something, most likely Dick, on his computer and Dean was reading Kevin's notebook.

"Okay, man, I have read this more times than the Playboy I found in Dad's duffle," Dean finally announced. I looked at him disgusted.

Sam quirked his head to the side. "Anna Nicole?" Dean smiled and nodded.

"Anna Nicole. Oh, the good—they die young, huh?"

"Gross," I muttered. Sam grimaced.

"Look, we can read this till our eyes bleed," Dean started about the notebook again. "It ain't getting any clearer."

"Then what does it mean?" I sassed him. We had to keep trying to decipher it if we wanted to know how to stop Dick.

"Uh... Cut off the head, and the body will flounder," he replied.

"Yeah," I replied. "And that's Roman. Right?"

"Right," Sam agreed.

"So, the bottom line is, we go grab the stuff, and we mix ourselves a weapon. End of story," Dean said, then took a swig of beer.

"Look, I'm all for killing Dick—"

"We all are," I growled.

"I'm just saying, what then? I mean, what about the rest of the Leviathan? What, are they just gonna... drop dead?" Sam asked, shrugging his shoulders.

"I don't know, maybe," Dean answered.

"Maybe? 'Maybe' isn't good enough, Dean," I growled, on the verge of yelling. Pain hit my eyes, causing me to blink and flinch.

"One problem at a time," Dean growled back. I closed my eyes, feeling heat behind them.

Rubbing them didn't feel any better, so I did what Meg told me to; calm down. After a few deep breaths, the pain receded.

"—try and figure out what the catch is before we go crashing the gate," Sam said.

"Maybe this is the catch," Dean answered. "God's not telling us every detail. You know? The word is from God. I don't know how much better it's gonna get."

"Maybe it'd be better if God told us himself instead of on a piece of rock we don't have, nor can we read," I spat, expecting the reaction of a lifetime. Instead of being yelled at or scolded, Dean slammed his hand against the table and shot up. Before one of us could say anything to him, he stormed into the bathroom and slammed the door shut.

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