Chapter 5

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"Be kind, even on your bad days" -Mash Elle

So... School for vampires. They are weird.

Us vampires, are born at the age of six; we don't have parents (we can have sex, but not children), we are born when a human dies of natural causes. And no, we don't just appear somewhere, we come out of caves. Nobody knows exactly HOW we are born. On school they tell us that when a little vampire is born, an incredible heat is produced, so no one can get near the cave during that process. And when we go out of the cave there are winged vampires (like me) who take the little ones to Vamp Town to start studying. 

Vamp Town is huge, it even has a subterranean level. There is beautiful, everyone is kind, there are a lot of weird objects; and my favorite thing is that everyone is in their true form, so I can show off my beautiful black wings. 

When I was little I always had problems with other kids because of my wings, black wings are so rare, that there's even a legend about them.

Okay, so the legend says that once the vampires dominated this world and the humans. There were pure blood vampires, the royalty; and only royal vampires were born with black wings. The rest of the vampires had other characteristics, like the ones I've mentioned before. But one day a little village of vampires decided that they wanted to rule the world, even though they didn't had wings; so they convinced a lot of humans to help them get the power, they promised the impossible to the poor humans, and that was: Immortality. (Not even us vampires have that, we live at least twenty years more than a human.) The humans accepted to help the vampires.

That night they infiltrated the castle of the king and the queen; they killed hundreds of servant vampires to get to royal room where the couple was hiding. When they got there, they ripped off the king's wings to tie him up, they did the same with the queen; they ripped her wings off and throw them out the window. 

After a few days of ruling the world a human found a secret passage where he found thirty kids with black wings; they tried to rip off their wings too, but the kids fought back and the majority managed to escape.

As an extra punishment for the king, for keeping that a secret, they tied him up the wall and every day a human would go and hit him with a leader belt, only before a bunch of vampires raped her wife in front of him. 

After the king died, they locked the queen in a cabin far away from their kingdom and forgot about her. 

Many months passed before the fake king got killed by humans, for not fulfilling his promise to give them the immortality that he claimed to have. So the humans have rule the world since that day.

Okay, I love this legend. It talks about everything; one of my favorite part is the one where the kids escape. But even though is my favorite part, I seriously think humans invented that part, its like if they were saying than the black winged vampires continued appearing BECAUSE of that escape; and I think it was invented by humans 'cause didn't knew that Vampires are unable to procreate. So that's my theory.

This legend is cool and all but It has some part that are just to hard to believe, talking  from the perspective of a vampire, plus I was the first black winged vampire that was born in the last fifty years, so I could be a motherfucking princess. And for some reason the color of the wings stared changing, there are from yellow wings to rainbow wings, and that's something we still don't know why. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2018 ⏰

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