Chapter 3

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"Just be happy" -Selfmadeladies

One of my favorite perks of being a vampire is that I can turn into two different animals, a white cat and a black hamster. And now I know that you're gonna say: "But Adela, vampires can't do that". Well you're wrong, there are more than one type of vampire. Some are born with horns and a tail, (which we can hide o show at will); some with just one of those, some have goat legs, tentacles, fur, long pointy fingers, etc. And every one of these features show up differently on our human form ,(when he hide them), for example: if you have tentacles you're gonna be on a wheel chair, or if you have goat legs you're gonna be using crutches. 

I didn't get any of those features, what I got i way cooler than that; I got wings. 

They're crow-like, they're as dark as the midnight sky, soft like a puppy, heavy as a full backpack and a little bit bigger than me, (once I measured them with a friend and discovered that when they extend from one end to the other, they measure four meters). And when I'm changing to my human form, they transfer to a tattoo on my back, of wings, obviously.

Plus, we're not only born with crazy physical appearances, we have powers too, some are "special" and some not so much. The not so special ones are like the ones I've mentioned on previous tales, like sensing feelings, being super strong, night vision, etc; these are powers that every vampire has. And the "special" ones are like the one I already mentioned at the beginning, like turning into different types of animals. Of course that's not the only power there is. Some can become invisible, move things with their mind, control the four basic elements (water, fire, wind, earth). There are so much more, but I don't know them all, those are most common. A rare one would be like controlling the weather.

My roommate Amanda loves my powers. She loves when I turn into a cat, she would pet me all day and give me block gelatin squares, that she never lets me eat. And when she found out that I have wings, she sends me to do the grocery shopping.  And FYI, Amanda is nos a vampire. She has repeatedly ask me to turn her into one, and It is not as easy like in movies; yes biting is involved but it's not just that. 

If I tried to make her a vampire, this would happen: After the bite, she would died for three minutes and then I would have to bite her again and hope for the best. If this works, she would be a vampire with no powers, and her hair could turn white. As if I tried to turn a freshly dead human into one of us, it would work with just the bite. 

Now you must be asking yourself: "How does she knows all that?"

Well, they teach it on school, there is a school special for vampires.


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