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Dominic shrugs his leather jacket on his shoulders as he releases his last puff off smoke, he drops the cigarette onto the grass and squashes it before sighing and tucking his hands into his pockets. A hand rests on his shoulder and presses their body on his back.

"I thought you said you wouldn't smoke." Her voice reminds him of honey with a mixture of ash. "You promised remember?" she leans off his back and steps beside him as they both gaze at the grave. The sky is splattered with numerous shades of pink and purple and the sun slowly sinks into the liquid like clouds.

"Only for today," Dominic sighs before tucking his hands into his jacket pockets and staring at the name embedded into the stone.

'Here lies Rosetta Lupon, loving wife and beloved mother of two.'

Dominic almost laughs at the inscription and mouths 'loving wife', that she was but to a husband who saw her as weak and pathetic and cared nothing of her. Yet, his mother still loved her husband- despite the constant abuse.

"Hey, Nic." The girl whispers, "Let's go, your dad has called for a meeting."

"Did he now?" Dominic stands straight up and stairs at the girl. Her silver eyes gaze at him with pity, her lips quirked into a sad smile and her arms hugging herself as method to keep her warm. "I don't think I heard his call."

Dominic did hear his father's call but chose to ignore it as he has done for the past three years.

"Oh come on Nic." The girl begs, "It's important."

"Lara," Dominic took a breath, "I called for him when my mother was dying in my hands, but he didn't come, he just blamed it on me and continued living his life as if nothing happened." Lara flinches at Dominic's cold voice. "What makes you think that I need to go for his?"

Lara took a deep breath.

"A new Alpha is to be chosen." Lara drops her voice and Dominic snaps his head to the blonde. "Your brother is demanding that you give up and pass the title to him." He stands up and begins to walk away, anger flaring inside of him. Lara attempts to call after him but Dominic quickens his pace to an almost sprint. He runs the cemetery hill, jumping over cars and ran towards the forest.

For a small part of his life, he had bene raised in the forest, surrounded by trees, rivers but just seeing the forest now, it feels different. The forest that was once so alive now chills him. In this heat he is shaking. The trees that sheltered so many with their spreading canopy of green and provided so much now feel hollow. No, the forest hasn't changed, it's him, he's become too numb to pain and emotion that he can't even appreciate something as simple as his old home.

"I see you are still the same my dear brother," from the bushes, a silver wolf emerges from behind in all its glory, "still coming into this wretched forest as usual." It growled. Dominic didn't speak, he didn't intend to but if he didn't say anything his brother would attempt to take a piece of him.

"You can be Alpha, I don't care Lucas." Dominic hissed as he placed his hands into his leather jacket and turns around. "I don't want to be part of this petty feud."

"You are disgrace you know," Lucas begins to emit a smoke from his animal state, "I can see why father neglected you as child and even now." Lucas begins to hunch over as his bones start to snap as he morphs back into his human state. "Fight for the throne Nic," Dominic snapped his head to his brother in horror.

"Why would you want me to fight you? I am happily giving you the title, just take it Lucas. I don't want to have anything with being Alpha." Dominic always knew his brother was always hungry for power, that's why he always stayed faraway with anything to do with being Alpha. His brother on the other hand loved power, to the point where he killed their uncle for the position of Beta.

"You really are useless, and stupid Nic," Dominic flinches as his brother steps on a twig, "I. Don't. Care." His eyes were wild, like something that wasn't tamed.

"Fuck off Lucas, I don't want to fight you, not today and not ever." Dominic growls. Dominic opens his mouth to say something but a howl cuts him off, his eyes snap to Lucas but he already started to leave.

"I'll see you later," he walks, "big brother." Dominic watches his brothers retreating figure with frustration. It's now completely dark and the last thing he needs is bumping into a Vampire, especially while he is near a cemetery. 


Hey and welcome to my first story, now, none of the following chapters have been editted so don't expect anything wondrous from this. Please Vote, Share and Comment how you feel about this story or what it is missing. 

And, sorry for the short 1st chapter, all the chapters are either from Averly's or Dominic's point of view so don't get confused!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2018 ⏰

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