Dear Teacher:Part 12

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Wang Yuan's POV----------------


I opened my dorm's front door and stepped into it.  I glanced to Wang Junkai that's still stood still at his place, staring blankly at me.  "Why didn't you come in?"I asked.  "I haven't got your permission yet. Can I come in?"He asked politely.  Woah.  He's unexpectedly polite! "Oh.  Pardon.  Cheng Xin always just get inside.  Come in."I Said, giving him a permission. "Thank you."He said as he stepped in.  "Ah! Junkai! Yuanyuan! Come in! Come in!  I'm just starting!" I heard my mom yelled.  Junkai smiled and bowed. "Hello, aunty."He greeted my mom. "Aihyo! Don't be so polite! Make yourself home! Call me 'mama' if you can."I saw my mom winked at him.  

"What?!"Shocked.  Only that.  "Ma! Cheng Xin never call you that but you asked him to?! He's only my student! Cheng Xin is my best friend! You're so weird, mom!"I said.  My mom pulled a face.  "Hm.  Junkai.  Call me 'mama' okay! So good to have a 'kid' like you!"

Son in law is better~ -Mrs. Wang. 

"Then, I'm not okay?"I asked, pouting.  My mom laughed.  "Of course it's good! But more good if I have both!"She said.  I pouted. 

Get married and I'll have both~ ;) -Mrs. Wang. 

I saw my mom winked to both of us.  My mom is becoming so weird... 

Wang Yuan's POV ENDED-------------------------

AUTHOR'S POV------------------------

Mrs. Wang just kept fangirling,leaving her son and Junkai confused. "Your mom...  Is she okay?"Junkai asked.  Yuan looked at him, feeling unbelievable.  "That's rude!"Yuan said, angry.  "No..  I'm sorry but she keep laughing and all...  Is she okay?"Junkai tried to be polite this time.  "Don't know.  I thought my mama has gone insane.  She had been like that since we left my dorm back then."

Rude.  Rude.  That's more rude!-Wang Junkai

"Okay! Should we start?"Mrs. Wang asked  excitedly.  "Ah.  Aun---"

"Mama."Mrs. Wang cut Junkai and grinned.  

Junkai flushed.  "M-mama."He stuttered and blushed.  It's his first time calling someone else mom "mama". "Mhm! What do you want to say?" She asked.  Junkai lifted the plastic bag he held in his hand.  "I-I bought you guys a pudding."He said, head still bowing.  "Ah! Ma! He's amazing! He got the limited edition mango pudding! That's usually sold out in 3 minutes! It's from Bao (Wang) store! My favorite pudding store!"Yuan said as he ran to his mom.  "Wow.  My second 'son' is amazing!"Mrs. Wang praised.  Junkai lifted up his head and smiled shyly.  

Of course I can easily get it.  My mom owns that store.-Wang Junkai

"Hahaha! Okay kids! Let's start! Yuanyuan please help me! Junkai, please sit down wherever you want."Mrs. Wang said.  "Ah..  M-ma.  Can I help you as well?"Junkai asked, stuttered at the word 'mama'. Mrs.Wang smiled.  "Of course! Make yourself home! Let's us, one family cook together!"Mrs.Wang said excitedly and walked to the kitchen.  Junkai smiled warmly.  He loves this kind of warmth.  He really did.  Though his family love him and treasure him...  But...  The warmth is different...  

"Hey you there! Come here quickly! Help me with this!"Yuan shouted.  Junkai stunned for a while. Then he saw Mrs. Wang hit Yuan's head.  He startled a little but then chuckled seeing His teacher's quarrel with Mrs.Wang.  "Our family are really....  Different."Junkai exclaimed and started to move his legs, heading to the kitchen. 

To Be Continued.... 

Hello! Thank you for reading! I'm sorry if it was suck! Mrs. Wang is a fangirl after all 😂😉😆 nice to have mom like this right? Anyway, see you in the next chapter! KaiYuan forever! Bye bye!! 

Dear Teacher. (KaiYuan) (Karroy)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin