Dear Teacher: Part 9

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Author's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~♡♡♡

"Yuanyuan!"Yuan's mom shouted when she saw  her precious son. Yuan sticking out his tongue and smiled awkwardly. "M-ma.." Yuan scratched his neck awkwardly. His room was in mess!What should he do?!!He felt like wanted to scream that now. Mrs. Wang ran to her son and hugged him tightly. After a moment,she let go of Their hug. She checked her son's body. "You got thinner?!!" Mrs Wang asked with voice being raised. "N-nooo~"Yuan started to shows his real attitude, Started to being so pamper.  Mrs. Wang chuckled. Her son's attitude did never changed. Still as pamper as ever. 

"Aiyo,Yuanyuan. What do you want to eat? Mama will cook for you."Mrs. Wang smiled.

'Uh-oh..'Yuan thought in his mind.

Later then,he smiled. "Let's go to the market to buy things then."He said with a smile. Mrs. Wang blinked a few times. Then,she hit her forehead. "Aiyo. I'm such an idiot. Forgot to brought along the milk that Yuanyuan like."She said. Yuan laughed. "Mama,it's okay. Let's go buy it at Supermarket."Yuan said as he pulled his mom's arm. "Eh. Eh."

"The cab already came. Please get inside,your majesty."Yuan said as he bowed and opened the cab's door for his 'queen'. Mrs. Wang smiled and cleared her throat. She stood straight and lifted her chin."Thank you very much."She said as she get inside the car with arrogant smile. Yuan followed. "Good afternoon.." The cab's driver said. "Good afternoon."Yuan said as he smiled. 

Yuan took out his phone from his pocket. He messaged someone. 



Not even a minute Yuan sent it, he already got a reply.

From: ChengchengXin^^

Don't want.

Yuan pouted. "Meanie,ChengCheng...." Yuan mumbled. He typed a reply.


ChengCheng ahhhhhhh~ You're so meannnnnnnnnn. At least let me tell you first.😡

Yuan sent it and hummed a song. 

He felt himself being watched. "Eh,Sir. Why are you looking at me?"Yuan asked. he knew the cab's driver been watching him. The cab's driver laughed awkwardly. "No. No. It's nothing. I just wonder what product did you use for your skin. Your skin is fair and flawless. Looks like you really took care of your skin." That cab's driver around 20 years old stated. Yuan smiled shyly. "My skin is always like this since i was a kid."Yuan didn't lied about that. His skin is very fair and flawless since he was kid. he took after his mom. 

I know even with disappointment as long as i....

Yuan finally got a reply from ChengXin. He opened the message.


Then just say it. Say. What is it?

Yuan smiled and cheered. 


Yayyyyyy~~~Wo ai ni,wo de ChengCheng(I love you,my ChengCheng). 

Yuan sent it with a lot of loves.


Just SAY it,okayyyyy?

Yuan giggled


PLeaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,Help me clean my room.>W<

Yuan sent it with full of hope.



Yuan smiled. "Wo ai ni,Cheng Xin~"

"What?! You love Cheng Xin?!"Mrs. Wang voice was too loud and attracted the driver's attention. The driver glanced them. Yuan looked at his mother. "Maaa~ Don't misunderstood it okay? I love him as a friend. A best friend." Yuan said. Mrs. Wang's smile faded. "Hm. I don't care if you're into a guy anyway." Mrs. Wang mumbled. Yuan just smiled and back to his phone again. 

"...."-Guess who's this(😆)

Arrived at the Market. 

"Thank you."Mrs. Wang  and Wang Yuan said. The driver nodded and drove away. "Ma. What do you want to cook?"Yuan asked as he hold his mom's hand. "Hmm... what do you want to eat?" Mrs. Wang asked her son as they entered the market. "Pudding?" Yuan looked at his mom with eyes full of hopes. "It's a side dish. The main dish?"Mrs. Wang said.


Hello everyone! Thank you very much for reading and kept waiting for this story update!! I'm sorry i didn't have a time and ideas to write a story. I'm sorry if it was suck and grammatical errors. Okay everyone! See you in next chapter or update! KaiYuan forever! Bye bye! 

Dear Teacher. (KaiYuan) (Karroy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن