Masquerade ball pt.1

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~Twice was getting ready in their dorm~


"Guys start getting ready we only have 2 hours to prepare because manager unnie said we have to be there early" I said.

"Yes unnie!!!!" Sana said shouting from the washroom.

I was starting to get nervous because I have to do a solo at the masquerade ball.  At least they wouldn't know who was singing because we were all going to wear a mask.


Ashhh why does jeongyeon unnie looks like she is stressed. If i ask her she might get mad at me though. Ughh I am the leader of our group and i need to ask her as my duty!!!  Well here it goes.

"Jeongyeon unnie" I said. Wahhh she didn't even hear me!!

"Jeongyeon unnie!!!!" I screamed.

"Yahhh!!" JY said.

"Unnie why you look so stressed or worried?" I asked calmly.

"Its be-nothing" she said and looking at the floor.

Yahh unnie is clearly hiding something. "Unnie tell me!! I know your  not telling me something!!" I said with frustration.

"I said its nothing...." she said.

"Please unnie tell me your getting me worried." I said.

Then suddenly Nayeon came out of her room and said "yahh jeongyeonahh tell me whats your problem. I heard everything you guys were talking about."

Jeongyeon unnie was about to speak then suddenly momo came and jeongyeon unnie just ran to her room.


Yahhh  jeongyeonahhh whats wrong with you!! You are making you members worried!! Then suddenly Nayeon unnie and Jihyo entered my room.

"Guys I'm sorry for making you worried about me i was just nervous because of my solo i had to do..." I said. Waiting for their response. 

"YAHH JEONG YOU GOT ME AND JIHYO WORRIED FOR NOTHING!!! We know your gonna do good, you made us worry so much." Nayeon unnie said.

~at the BTS dorm~


"Yahhh hyung give me my tie back!!!" I screamed.

"Waee cant you reach it!!" Hoseok hyung said laughing at me while jumping.

As I was jumping Namjoon hyung came out of his room.

"YAH!! HYUNG AS YOU LEADER GIVE IT BACK WE HAVE GET READY FOR THE MASQUERADE BALL!!" NJ said and Hoseok gave it back to me as I dash trough the hall into my room.

Finally I can get ready!! I cant wait to meet Twice and other idols at the party...


Hello guys i know this is not really a long chapter but I am still trying to get as many chapters out for you guys. I might update more because it is almost our Christmas break so guys I hope you like the first chapter of this FF ANYONG -M

Word count: 455 words

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