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Today's the day

We're finally meeting



5:30 pm

I know I know

I can't wait

You have left the chat


Hey. I'm here

Where are you?


Looks like you didn't
get my message


I had to help my mom
with something so I
can't make it

I'm sorry

It's fine

I guess we'll meet
another day :(

You have left the chat


What Mark didn't know was that Haechan was lying. He didn't send any text message. He didn't have to help his mom. He just had another plan. He was at Mina's café when Mark entered. He was wearing a cap and a face mask so Mark didn't recognize him right away. Haechan saw mark typing and his phone buzzed. He answered it and told him to just stay and at least order something. Mark agreed so he went to order a drink. At that same moment, Haechan's milkshake was done and he was called to get it. He took off the cap and face mask and walked up to the counter.

Mark ordered his drink and then noticed the other male next to him. He was shocked to the core. "Am I dreaming? Is he really next to me? Somebody pinch me" Mark thought. Haechan noticed him staring and smirked, still not facing him. "Take a picture. It'll last longer". "That voice. It is him". "Ha-Haechan" he uttered. "In the flesh". He turned towards Mark and smiled which made Mark's heart skip a beat but he soon regained his posture. "We need to talk"

Haechan grabbed his milkshake and walked to the booth he was sitting in before with Mark on the opposite side. "Make it quick. I gotta finish something for school". Haechan sipped his milkshake as he waited for Mark to speak. "Why did you stop talking to me?" Haechan nearly choked on his drink as he heard those words escape the olders' mouth. "You okay?" "Yeah" "Good. So answer my question". Haechan ran his hand through his hair as he tried to find the right words to say. "You know I loved you right" "Yes" "So why did you date Lisa?" "Lisa? Who's Lisa?" "My best friend". "Ohhh. Is this what this is all about?" Haechan lightly scoffed as he heard those words, "It may not be a big deal to you but it was to me".

"Fine. I'll make this quick since you have something else to do. I never loved her okay. I loved you. Well still do. I was forced to date her. My father said it would increase his business if the public found out that his only son was going out with the daughter of the wealthiest man in Korea. I never asked her out. We just faked the relationship when my father or his bodyguards were around. One day he told me that I didn't have to date her anymore so I was going to tell you the good news and finally have the guts to ask you out but you gave me the cold shoulder and never talked to me since"

"My life is a lie" Haechan thought. He opened his mouth to speak but Mark spoke before he could. "Now that you're here, I want to ask you something that I never had the guts to do before" Mark exhaled and finally asked, "Will you go on a date with me?". Haechan banged his head on the table and groaned softly. Mark frowned, "Is that a no?". "You're making it hard for me to hate you" Haechan whispered but loud enough for Mark to hear. Mark got up and sat down next to Haechan. The said boy noticed the other pair of shoes from underneath the table and immediately looked up which he regretted. Their faces were closer then he expected. So close that he could feel Mark's hot breath on his lips. Haechan nervously gulped and averted his eyes elsewhere but never moved his face. 

"Haechan look at me" Mark sternly asked. "No" "Donghyuck come on" "No" "We're in public. Don't make me do this" "Do what?" Mark looked around to see if anyone was staring at them. Luckily there wasn't. "I repeat again. Do wh-" His words were instantly cut off when Mark's soft lips were on top of his. Haechan's eyes were wide but then softened and started to kiss back. A few seconds later Mark released from the kiss realizing they were still in public.
"I love you. You know that" Mark told Haechan. "I know. I love you too". Haechan nodded at his words and smiled.

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