Day 5: Where did that bruise come from?(Snarry)

Start from the beginning

"Enter." Severus said, knowing exactly who it was. "Feeling better?" He asked, offering Harry a glass of his best fire whisky, motioning for him to have a seat.

Harry took the glass, taking a large gulp of it as he sat down in front of the fire. "Yes I am, much better now." He watched Severus going about making his own drink. He loved watching Severus do anything with his hands, he was meticulous, thorough, and very graceful, years of brewing, he supposed.

I wonder what else he could do so well with those hands? Harry visibly started then flushed, that line of thinking needed to stop right there.

Severus finished his drink, sitting across from Harry. "Would you care to talk about what was on your mind earlier?" He asked casually, raising an eyebrow, noticing his flushed cheeks but choosing to ignore it

Harry sighed, slumping in his seat, and worrying his bottom lip. He was going to bring up the fights, but not the hitting. "It's Theo, he's under a lot of stress at work lately, we've been arguing quite a bit lately." He ran his hands through his messy hair tugging at the ends gently. "It's no big deal but we fought today right before I left for term, he didn't want me to come because of the war and all the memories, but I'm okay the Occlumency helps." He easily lied about the reasoning, Theo didn't want him so close to Severus.

Severus nodded in understanding "Theo always did have a short temper." He mused out loud "Since you do have a knack for being headstrong," he joked, "I can see where a problem could arise." He finished with a small smile that only Harry was privy to.

"All couples fight, Potter." He assured him, taking a sip of his second Fire Whisky. "As long as you're happy, I'm sure you can work it out."

Harry watched Severus and returned the smile.

Was he happy? No. Did he want to work it out? Not really. No I can't think that way! He admonished himself.

Harry's smile fell from his face and his eyes shone he quickly shook his head clearing those thoughts away.

Theo loved him, he's just stressed from work, he just gets so angry sometimes. He placated himself.

Severus noticed the sudden change in demeanor, but didn't say anything about it. "If you need to talk, I will listen." He assured him, nodding, and changing the subject to make Harry feel more comfortable, "Chess?" he offered.

Harry smiled and nodded. "Are you going to let me win this time?"

He chuckled looking at Severus. He always lost in chess, he had gotten better thanks to Severus's love of the game, but he was far from beating the man.

Harry could almost picture this being his life, it was comfortable and he truly felt happy in Severus's company.

Severus snorted, "Do I ever, Potter?" He asked with an amused eyebrow raised, setting up the board. They preferred playing muggle chess to wizards chess. It was more personal.

Severus watched the younger man make the first move, his shirt riding up slightly on his arm, exposing a nasty looking bruise.

"Where did you get that bruise?" He asked, eyes flashing dangerously, grabbing Harry's hand automatically, to push the sleeve up a little.

Harry flinched trying to jerk his arm out of the grip. He gulped, all the blood draining from his face.

"Q-quidditch game, you know how it is, you get lost in the competition, wanting to win."

He looked up at Severus avoiding eye contact. "I'm fine, it'll go away in a few days."

Severus opened his mouth to speak when Dobby appeared with a crack, drawing his attention, and making him release Harry's arm.

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