Chapter 2 - The interrogation

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(POV) Saber

This isn't good. I could have killed them both, but I wasn't fast enough. The blond German took me by surprise when she fired off a warning shot next to my head. I'm not used to gunfire. Never was. Since I'm an expert with my sword and incredibly stealthy, my targets are usually dead before they can pull the trigger. Those terrorist I killed weren't an exception. With stealth and speed on my side, it was easy to take them out.

Everything was going well until this mismatch group showed up. I was just following a trail of breadcrumbs, and they decided to show up. I am curious to know who they are and what they want with me, but I don't think I'll get any answers if I ask. Not until they trust me.

"Keep moving" says and angry voice at my right.

I don't know this person, nor do I know what they look like. The one to my left, tho, is the blond German I met earlier. During the helicopter ride, I heard them whisper about interrogating me. That wouldn't be a good idea on their part. I don't talk. Even if they try to torture me, I won't say anything.

I hear a door open and I'm lead into a room. Presumably an interrogation room. One of them forced me down on a chair and bound me to it. Soon after, someone took off the bag over my head. My eyes quickly adjusted to the lighting in the room and I started looking around. Standing in front of me was the blond German from before. She had her arms crossed over her chest, and she was glaring at me.

I didn't dare make eye contact with her, so I continued to look around the room. In one corner, there was a man standing and staring at me. He had a white outfit on with a Canadian flag on one sleeve.

Interesting. One German and one Canadian in military like outfits in America. Hm, there is something wrong here.

In the hand of the man, I noticed my glasses. My special glasses. I would need to get those back somehow.

Behind me, I heard light footsteps moving towards my left. I turned my head to the side to see who this new person is. A Brazilian woman with a skull painted on her face gave me a death glare and moved next to the German.

Something is definitely wrong here.

"So, who's this?" asked the Brazilian.

"His name is Saber. We found him in the White Mask's hideout" explained the German.

"So he's a White Mask?" said the Brazilian.

So that was the name of the terrorist cell. That would explain the white mask they all wore.

"No, we don't know what he is, but he is definitely not a White Mask" said the man in the corner.

"What makes you say that?" said the Brazilian as she looked at the man in the corner.

"He killed more than 50 of them. With only a sword" said the German.

She stared at me. I could tell she was curious and wanted to know how I had survived the ordeal with the terrorist. The Brazilian looked stunned and stared at me.

"Damn" she said. "That's quite an achievement. Does he talk by any chance?"

"When he is pushed to do so, yes" said the German.

"Good, this is going to be fun"

The Brazilian moved towards me, unseating a knife from a hip pocket. I could see amusement in her eyes. To be completely frank, she scares me. No one in their rightful mind should find pleasure in torturing people. She pressed the tip of her knife below my chin, moving my head up a bit, so I can look into her eyes. Her free hand took the gag out of my mouth.

"Why were you in the White Mask base?" she asked as she stared into my soul.

I stayed quiet of course. It was none of her business to know why I was in there.

"Don't make this hard for yourself" she said.

I stared at her, not saying a word. A few seconds passed and the German let out a breath.

"Hurry this along. We don't have all day"

The Brazilian turned her head to look at the blonde woman.

"This takes time you know" she said.

A few seconds passed by and the skull lady looked back at me. She removed her knife from my chin and placed it on my neck.

"I just want to know what you were doing in the base. Nothing more, nothing less" she said.

Lies. I knew this interrogation tactic all too well. She wants to know everything. They all do. To them, I'm a mystery and I would like to keep it that way. Even if I have to lose a couple limbs.

The Brazilian and I stared at each other for a couple minutes. She moved back and cheated her knife. I was surprised at this and so where the other two.

"He isn't going to break" skull lady said.

"What do you mean? Can't you just do that thing you do to make him sing like a bird?" said the German.

"I've never seen anyone with those eyes. It'll be a waste of time if I try anything" explained skull lady.

"Then what do we do?" asked the Canadian.

"We let him starve. That will make my job easier" she said.

That would have been a good idea if I was inexperienced at escaping, which I am not. I'll just have to wait a bit for them to leave then I can get out of these restraints and leave. Surely it can't be hard to do that.

"If you think that will work then we'll try it" said the Canadian.

The German nodded her head and turned around to walk away. Everyone in the room, including myself, watched as she left the room without saying a word.

"Want to grab something to eat?" the Canadian said as he looked over to the Brazilian.

"Sure. The cafe down the street shouldn't be packed at this time" she said.

They both walked out of the room, which left me all alone. I waited a couple seconds. Silence filled the room and I couldn't hear anyone chatting outside the room. It was time for me to make my escape. The ropes they tied behind my back would be easy to cut with the small hidden knife I had in my pocket. I was lucky they didn't relieve me of all my weapons. They didn't even pat me down to see if I had any on me. They must be untrained soldiers.

I shuffled in the chair and tried to reach for my hidden blade. It didn't take me long to get it and I started cutting the rope. A couple minutes later, the rope gave way, and I was finally free. The rope fell to the ground and I got up from the chair. I took inventory of the weapons that I had. 1 knife, 2 daggers and a couple throwing knives. My sword might be at house where I was apprehended or it might be here. I'll need to hijack a helicopter and fly myself out there to continue my mission.

I use my blade to cut the gag, so I can easily take it off. The last obstacle in my way is the cell door. Now, if these guys were smart they would have locked the door and therefore I would need to wait for them to come back.

I walk to the door and go to open it. It doesn't open. Well, I guess I'll have to wait for someone to come by. Sigh, why does my luck have to run out right before I make my great escape?

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