The rest of us just sat and talked.

Well everyone else talked, I went on my phone and played a random game.

Slowly the room became empty, the people she pulled out going to their dorms, or so I assumed.

By the time she got to my row, the first row, I was shaky.

I didn't want to say something dumb or make her mad. I just wanted to know why I was here and where I was going.

She went through everyone.

Everyone except me.

She walked back in the room, her heels clicking as she came down the little isle. She stopped next to me and didn't say a word. I didn't know if I should look up or what.

I kept playing on my phone, or acting like I was playing.

She walked in front of me and sat back in her chair, except she pulled it forward and sat right in front of me.

I started to become nervous, feeling like I was pissing her off.

I turned off my phone and looked up, she didn't seem mad but she didn't seem thrilled to have sat and waited for me to acknowledge her.

"Sorry for being on my phone." I stared at my lap knowing that she didn't hear me whisper that.

Mistress Lovato nodded and sat up.

" obviously have been anxious to be talked to. Trust me I saw. You got accepted because of someone who knew you and put in a good word. Sounds weird, I know but it happened." I took a second to process it.

Some one I know recommended me?

Who would do that?

I got snapped from my thoughts when mistress Lovato snapped her fingers in front of me.

My face went red and I got nervous again.

"Anyways, you get to choose which side you take. Whether its the submissive side, dominate side or switch side. You also will be placed in dorm 3B which is the third building, your room number is 215." I nodded and pulled at a loose string on my hoodie.

I looked up and saw that she had a small smirk on her face, Mistress Lovato stood up and towered over me. She looked down and kept a straight face.

"I also have choose you for something different from everyone else's studies, you will be spending at least 4 hours a week with me. I will be teaching you stuff that you will not learn via the instructors. Am I understood?" I nodded and scratched at my head.

I was starting to get fidgety and it wasn't fun.

She didn't move, instead she lifted my head with her index finger.

"I said, Am I understood?" I was confused on why I needed to answer again.

"Yes, I understand." she sighed and shook her head.

"Who am I?" I sat up a little and felt slightly defensive. She was treating me like I'm five and that isn't okay.

"...You're Mistress Lovato..." she nodded and smiled a little.

"That is how you address me for most questions, especially when I ask if you understand me." I nodded again, the whole question making sense now.

"Okay, good. Now like I asked, do you understand me?" I nodded and corrected myself real quick, "Yes Mistress Lovato." she smiled and backed up.

She held out her hand to help me up, I didn't grab her hand. Instead I stood up and put my backpack on.

She didn't say anything but I could tell she was mad that I didn't accept her assistance.

She led me to the big doors and stopped me.

"I'm walking you to your dorm and room." I wanted to decline the offer but the more I thought about it the less likely I was to do it.

We walked out of the auditorium and over to the third building, walking inside and going to the elevator.

We both stepped in and waited as it rose to the next floor.

I stood in the corner of the elevator and looked down.

Mistress Lovato walked over and stood next to me, I looked up and then right back down when I saw her looking at me.

She chuckled quietly as the doors opened.

We both stepped out and walked down the hallway.

My dorm was all the way at the end. When she opened the door I was in awe.

There was only one bed, a couple of nice windows as well as a little window sill.

I looked around while standing in the doorway.

Mistress Lovato looked down at me and motioned for me to go look around.

"Don't need to look around. I'll figure it out later." Mistress Lovato took a deep breath and seemed like she was mad.

I moved against the wall and kept my eyes down.

She walked over and lifted my head.

"I have a feeling I'm gonna have to teach you about listening. Anyways, remember that you are to spend 4 hours every week with me for extra lessons. The lunch hall is in the main building and all you classes are in the fourth building. Dinner is in twenty minutes. I expect you to be there." I nodded and gazed down.

"I will give a description of you to some of the people in there, if they do not see you there I will be back here in an instant. Am I understood Ry?" I nodded and quickly replied.

"Yes mistress Lovato." she smiled and nodded.

Mistress Lovato walked out of the room and shut the door.

Leaving me to get my shit out and to go through what just happened.

Who's in charge?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ