Chapter 1

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Suddenly there's a black swam of mist like material all around me.

"Yeeees?" A voice said almost hiss like.

"I.. um." I shook my head. What am I doing? This is so stupid.

"You summoned me here. If you don't have a deal for me. I'll be leaving." The black mist started disappearing. "Wait!" I yelled into the mist.

"So, have you a deal for me?"

"Yes." Cat shaped eyes glowing bright pink appeared in the dark mist that had now enveloped me completely.

"And?" he said. Even just his eyes showed anticipation and hunger.

"I..." My wrist had a burning sensation. It was glowing purple. "I want you to serve me and help me find and kill whoever killed my sister." The burning grew and sharp pain shot up my arm. I blacked out seeing a purple star symbol.

One month later~

It's been about one month since I signed my soul to a demon. I still haven't decided what to call him. He said I can give him any name and that will be his name till he consumes my soul. Which was comforting. Not. But we got all that out of the way the first day. After that, he hasn't said one word about it. Which I guess is good. Not that I would like to talk about consuming my soul.

"Your highness." He said while opening the blinds. "It is time to wake up now. I have your morning tea ready." I made some kind of in audible noise and sat up. Ew. Morning. I hate mornings. The only way I would be a morning person is if morning started at 1pm.

"Here you go my lady." He said, handing me my tea.

"Thank you... Umm." I said thinking. I still haven't decided a name yet. I'm thinking I'm thinking I'm thinking.

"Have you decided what to call me yet young mistress?" He did that closed eyed smile of his and tilted his head at me.

"I'm thinking hold on.. *pause* .. How about... Sebastian?" I said putting a finger to my chin, unsure.

"Whatever you decide my lady, will be my name." He said bowing.

"Yes I know but, what is your opinion on it?" I said. He won't actually give his opinion. He never does.

"I simply do not care. Whatever you decide will be-" I interrupted him by slamming down my tea on the cart he had beside my bed.

"Dammit. I asked for your opinion on your own name. Now give it to me." He looked at me surprised. I realized he hadn't seen me mad yet. Oops.

"I apologize. I would like your opinion please." I sat on my bed, waiting for an answer. He still stood there, surprised. Still stood there. Still standing. Still standing. Still s-

"Well your highness," he said walking over to my bedside with my day clothes in his hand. "To be completely honest, I think it's a delightful name." He said with that closed eyed smile again. Not going to lie, it's the slightest adorable. Not that I would say that out loud. Ever.

"Well then Sebastian, what is the schedule today?" I said smiling at him. I'm glad he has a name now. It quite a beautiful name if I say so myself.

Sebastian..... Michaelis.

Sebastian's POV~

"Well first this evening," I say. "You have a meeting with Mr. Tao, then there is some ladies and gentlemen who would like to be servants here, of course I have recommended them for obvious reasons, so you'll have to interview them although I'm sure they will start work here immediately, then there is the issue of the judge. Again." I set her clothing on her bed and started to unbutton her nightgown and take it off her. I secretly kind of like doing this. Even though it is extremely unacceptable to think of my lady like this, she does have amazingly nice brea- "Really?" she said, interrupting my train of thought. Probably for the best anyways. "That damn judge again?! What does that man want now!?" I could sense her anger boiling inside of her. "That is no way a lady should talk, mistress. And anyway, he has trouble believing you about you being the only known hier left of the Brookshart family let alone even apart of it." This confuses me completely. I mean, she looks so much like her mother and father! She has her mothers beautiful green eyes. I miss her dearly... never mind her Sebastian. Forget it. Focus on Anastasia.

"But, Sebastian, I thought he said he welcomes me and hopes like I grow being in charge of the company and all that obviously fake stuff." She paused for a second while getting up off her bed.

"Ohh... that's because it was fake. Come on Anastasia, your losing your mind" she said, talking to herself. I smiled helping her get off, even though she didn't need it.

"Actually, the only way you could lose your mind is if you begin talking to yourself my lady." She glared at me and went behind her privacy screen to put her undergarments on.

She came out a few seconds later ready for me to help her with the rest. "You know your highness, it's almost your 16th birthday." I said, putting on, and tightening her corset. "Which means it's about time for you to be wed." I wonder who my mistress will marry?

"Ugh. Please don't remind me." she said silently wincing. Perhaps I should loosen it a bit.

"If you don't mind me asking, are you aware of the lucky groom to be?" she sighed.

"Yes. His name is Adam Catherwood. And he's a no good spoiled brat who could die for all I care." I was shocked. I've only been here for a month, but I've yet to hear this kind of attitude come from Anastasia till today. "Mistress! What makes you saw such horrible words?" I had finished and she walked out of her quarters, probably going to her study like every morning. I'll have to find out what's the matter after breakfast.


Heyyyy! First chapter! *cheering* for those of you confuzeld, her name is Anastasia Renee Brookshart. I didn't really go through that so I thought I'd mention it. Also, I know 99.9999999% of writers explain their main character(s) in the first chapter, but I think that's lame and boring so expect bits explaining her in the first two or three chapters. But if want to know what she looks like now, I put a picture on the side :)

Her loyal butler (Sebastian x OC)Where stories live. Discover now