Beginning Pt4: Adjustment

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Fire-Team Osiris was up and about taking time to see what was actually in their house. The house was decent size had a lot of room for them. The fridge had enough to get them through the month and did have some spare clothing in the dressers. And there was a create of about 3 to maybe 600 glimmer.

"Well looks like we're set for now." Said Buck as he walked out wearing simple civilian clothing.

"For now, is right." Said Tanaka.

"How did your armor off so fast?" Asked Vale.

"Secret." Buck smiled getting Vale to punch him in the shoulder. Locke shakes his head and Tanaka chuckles.

"Why don't give Naomi a shout and see is she's home?"

"She might have left on a mission." Said Locke.

"The least we can do is try." Vale reasons. The Spartans walk down the sidewalk and stop at the house they believe is Naomi's. Locke was about to walk up to the door when she came out.

"Hey, you're all up early." She said.

"We normally wake up around this time." Said Vale.

"So, what you guys need?"

"A tour around your beautiful city." Buck said. Naomi rolls her eyes.

"Follow me." Naomi said. That's when they notice she was in a running outfit.

"Were you planning on a run?" Asked Tanaka.

"I was but I show you around." She said. "Besides I can always run later." She said. They follow her down the sidewalk as she brings up sorts of conversations that the Spartans were able to join in on. Raven joined them after a few minutes.

T—Several Hours later—T

Fire Team Osiris had returned to their house around noon or so. Naomi showed them a good half of the city and promised to show them more when she got back from her mission to EDZ or wise known as the European Dead Zone. Locke decided to talk with Zavala about what Osiris could do to help the city. He gave his team time off until he returned. Buck was looking at a data pad he found in his room and was reading the news and events. Vale was reading over the languages Fallen, Cabal, and Hive. Tanaka had gone to talk with Amanda after reading up on how some of the ships were built.

Today was not a bad day, not bad at all. Thought Buck as he read over the updates the city was making to the wall. I wonder how the Infinity is doing. He wondered.

"Buck," Vale knocks on his door.

"Come in."

"Any ideas for lunch?"

Buck had to think for a moment before getting up. "I was thinking keeping it simple and make sandwiches."

"Good idea." Vale said as the two went to the kitchen and pulled out all the sandwich stuff. They both started talking about themselves as they were making their sandwiches. Vale was enthralled about Buck's time on new Mombasa.

"Yeah, and then when the commander came, he threw is lighter at Virgil. We all freaked out because Virgil had a bomb strapped to his body." Buck explains.

"I really want to meet Virgil." Vale said.

"Oh, he would love you. Especially since you speak Sangheili."

"Wait until I start speaking Fallen and Cabal." Vale said.

"Can't help yourself, can you?"

"Nope." They laugh as Tanaka and Locke walk in.

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