Beginning Pt3: How Osiris got teleported

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A/N: This is just some info on what happened incase you where wondering. 

T—Hours before the mission—T

It was a normal day on Infinity. Fire-Team Osiris had completed team bonding exercises and now where talking as they were heading to Spartan town. Their armor was getting a routine maintenance check.

"I'm only saying I think we should take some shore leave and do something together. Like go to Earth or something." Buck suggests.

"I don't think we can get shore leave but it wouldn't hurt to try." Said Tanaka.

"Some shore leave might do us some good." Said Locke.

"And if we don't get it?" Asked Vale.

"Virtual Reality?" Asked Buck making his team laugh. They start talking about something else as they enter Spartan town. Buck notices Blue Team getting their armor on. He would have waved at them but the Spartan-IIs where a little on the anti-social side. And the chances of them noticing him waving were slim. The looked to be getting ready for a mission.

"This always makes my stomach turn." Said Buck as the walk over to get their armor on. After a few minutes Osiris was geared to go. They walk out of Spartan town heading over to the War Games.

"Ready to kick Crimson's ass?" Asked Vale.

"Always." Said Buck with an evil grin.

"Let's see how well we do." Said Locke.

"Let's hope we don't have to face against Blue Team." Tanaka said.

"I saw them back in Spartan Town. They look like they were heading on a mission." Explained Buck. When Osiris gets to the War Games the see Crimson waiting for them.

T—After the War Game—T

Osiris had won. Buck did a little victory shout high-fiving Locke. Vale sighed glad the game was over while Tanaka was talking with the Crimson member. The game was fun and gave them some good well earn experience too. The War Games were the best way for Spartans to gain battle experience during peace time.

"Wanna play Gif Ball?" Asks Buck.

"Nah, I'm good." Said Vale.

"Locke, Me vs. You?"

"Bring it on old man." Locke teases smiling.

"Nice one Locke." Buck laughs as head over to the Gif Ball arena but Palmer clears her throat. "God damnit." He mumbles as Locke hears him and smirks.

"Yes Commander?"

"I have a mission for you." She said.

"What kind of mission?" Asked Vale.

"You are to head to the surface of [classified] to investigate Covenant activity. You'll be accompanied by ODST team Beta." She explains. "Beta is getting suited up and will meet you in the hanger." She explains. "Get going." The Spartans salute and jog out the room.

T—A few minutes later—T

Fire-Team Osiris was in the hanger loading up their Pelican. They where waiting on Beta team now.

"I'm going to kill you Jake!" Screamed a woman chasing after a man. The man darts being Buck who just turned around.

"The hell?" Buck asks.

"Sorry Spartan Buck, but when you miss off a woman who loves using their fists over guns, you'd run too." Said Jake as the woman chasing him walked over. She walked calmly but that kill look in her eye. Oh, boy. The woman was around the same height as a Spartan.

"Jake!" She shouted.

Holy shit! Is the woman a Spartan? Wondered the Spartans.

"I'm sorry Rayleen!" Said Jake.

Rayleen still looked furious with him. Buck simply got out of the way and was amazed to see Rayleen pick up Jake with one hand by the collar of his armor. This woman had to be a Spartan.

"Excuse me Rayleen, put Jake down." Locke cut in. Rayleen listened dropping the man to the ground. A smaller woman came up and touched Rayleen's arm and shook her head.

"Allow me to apologize for my sister." Said the smaller woman.

"Apology accepted. And your name?" Asked Vale.

"Layla. This my older sister Rayleen, that's Jake and over there is Michel." She points to Michel as he walks over.

"I am very sorry for Rayleen and Jake. Opposites." Michel explained.

"Understood." Said Locke. "Rayleen, if I may ask."


"Are you a Spartan?"

"My dad was." She said.

"Your dad?" Asked Tanaka.

"Our dad was a Spartan-III." Said Layla simply. "Rayleen got all of his strength and I got all the brains." Layla smiled. This interested the Spartans.

I guess they wanted to stay with one another. Thought Tanaka. Makes sense. They are sisters after all.

"Have you all been briefed?" Asked Locke.

"Yes sir. Whenever you are ready." Said Michel.

"Load up!" Ordered Locke. They loaded into the Pelican as Vale went into the cockpit and started it up.

T—after an hour—T

The team of Spartans and ODST had arrived at their destination and where scouting the area. What was curious for the Spartans was that Rayleen carried no guns on her. How the hell was she going to fight.

"Hey Layla." Buck asks.

"Yes, Spartan Buck?"

"Is there a reason your sister doesn't have a gun?"

"She's doesn't like guns. She prefers her fists." Layla explains. "Wait until you see her in action!" Layla said esthetically.

[Did you three hear that?] Asked Buck on their private band.

[Yep.] Said Vale.

[She likes to us her fists. I'm very interested in how the UNSC lets her fight without a gun.] Said Tanaka.

[They probably don't even know she's fighting without a weapon.] Said Locke. They make her way into a valley.

"Take cover!" Snapped Locke as they ducked under large rocks. They look behind their cover to see a large group of Covenant looking at ancient dead robots.

"Plan?" Asked Jake.

"There is an unstable ledge I shot that crush them." Said Layla. The Spartans also notice the ledge.

"Take the shot." Ordered Locke. Layla spired her gun and the ledge feel on top of the Covenant. Those that survived started shooting at them.

"Rayleen you're good!" Said Michel and Rayleen rushed the Covenant and slammed her fist into the ground and there was this wave that knocked the Covenant off their feet. That's when they saw how skilled Rayleen was in hand-to-hand combat. She was destroying the Hunter she was fighting as they covered her. But then there was this large burst of energy above them.

"What the fuck is that!?" Shouted Buck as the energy got larger.

"Run!" Called Michel as Beta ran the energy was going to explode.

"Look out Vale!" Buck called rushing to get her out of the wave of the explosion.

"BUCK!" Called Tanaka running after the now unseen Spartan.

"TANAKA!" Called Valeand Locke now being unable to see her. Then they too were caught, andeverything slowly faded. 

*I know it is short*

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