Meeting Mr. Dart

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A/N- hey guys!  This chapter hasn' t been beta-ed, so please excuse any mistakes.  As always, PLEASE REVIEW!!

Alaya out :)

Chapter 15

I ended up going to lessons the next day any way. I was used to going to school when I wasn't feeling up to it (the days before a full moon were awful), and I didn't want anyone to begin to expect anything. I hated the idea of being more of a freak than I already was. I was sat in History of Magic when a ministry official came. Professor Dumbledore himself came and called me from the class, and I could feel everyone staring at me as I walked out. It made me feel bad inside.

Dumbledore led me to his office and introduced me to the ministry worker. I could smell the nerves radiating off him. He knew what I was. I noticed the man blinked a lot, and was wetting his lips far more often than usual. Yep, definitely nervous.

"Miss. Cana?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said, nodding and smiling awkwardly. He smoothed his front and stuck out his hand hesitantly, then withdrew it. A slight smell of disgust mixed in with the fear. My chest ached and I wanted to tell him that I wasn't dangerous, I promise, not unless it's a, you know... full moon. Which it isn't, not for another 9 days, so it's ok, I promise, please don't be scared, but I didn't.

"Julius Dart. I work in the department of mysteries. I believe you gave a prophecy."

"Apparently so. At least, that what Headmaster Dumbledore and Madame Pomfrey tell me."

"Alright. Headmaster Dumbledore, may I ask for some privacy with Miss. Cana? I have some confidential questions I wish to ask her." Dumbledore nodded and left his office. I felt uneasy being left alone with 'Mr. Julius Dart', but it was necessary. His expression changed as soon as Dumbledore was gone. He let his disgust show on his face, and stepped away from me. "I know what you are." He told me, snarling. I felt anxiety build in my throat, but I forced myself to stay calm.

"Yes. I know what I am to." I told him.

"Don't give me that cheek, you monster." He spat. I took a deep breath, trying to contain my anger and keep my composure.

"What questions did you need to ask me, sir?" I tried to keep my tone stead, not portraying the emotions that were building inside me. Mr. Dart glared at me as he consulted his clipboard.

"Have you delivered a prophecy before?"

"No." He smirked and turned his nose up at me.

"I didn't think so."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I let my anger spill out for a second, then forced a tight rein on it. Remain professional, Amaris. Don't make yourself look bad, or he'll write all other werewolves off to be just like you.

"That your kind don't normally do things like this. Being able to speak prophecies can be considered a gift. A gift which no werewolf deserves." I bit my cheek, keeping my cool.

"Any more questions, sir?" I asked him.

"Watch. Your. Tone." He said, stressing each word. "Recite to me exactly what you said."

"The power of three,

The chosen one and his chosen,

Shall defeat the soul,

Of a dark, dark lord.

Raised for slaughter,

He must die,

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