Hospital Wing

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Chapter 10

Our first lesson was Charms with Ravenclaw. We were learning Lumos. Professor Flitwick stood at the front on a pile of books. "Hello first years! I'm Professor Flitwick. I'll try my best to learn all your names, but there's a lot of you!" He chuckled, and the rest of the class mumbled. Professor Flitwick cleared his throat to regain our attention. "So, today we will be learning Lumos. A very useful charm, it will provide you with light. So, first things first, I want you to read the first chapter in your charms text books on the spell."

I paired with Marlene when it came to actually trying out the spell. Lily went with Georgina, and Elizabeth paired with a boy called Ben. I was the first to get it out of me and Marlene.

"Oh, how did you do that?!" Marlene exclaimed. She shook her wand. "I can't do it!"

"Um, I think you've got to..." I moved my hands and looked at her, non-verbally asking permission to touch her hands. She nodded. I put my hand over hers and guided the wand. "Move your wand in a kind of upside-down 'L' shape and say Lumos." I informed her. She tried once, twice, three times. On the fourth time, she got it, and beamed at me.

"Thanks, Amaris!" She said, pulling me into a hug. I grinned into her shoulder.

"No problem." We certainly hadn't been the first people to get the charm, but we were apparently the first pair to achieve it together that lesson. Professor Flitwick gave us 10 points each, for what he called 'fantastic teamwork'.

The next three days passed relatively smoothly. Hufflepuff had Potions with the Gryffindors on the day of the full moon. I teamed up with Sirius, James went with Remus, and Peter went with a Hufflepuff named Jenny, who I think he'd developed a bit of a crush on. We were making a forgetfulness potion, and Sirius and I were on fire. Not literally- well, Sirius had set his sleeve on fire at one point, but it was fine. We put it out and his uniform was only slightly charred. Luckily, he hadn't been burned. Professor Slughorn had stopped the flames before it could do Sirius any real damage.

I ached all over. My body was readying itself for tonight. My head pounded, all my teeth ached, my skin felt like it was on fire and all I wanted to do was run. Run as far and as fast as I could. It was always unbearable. I felt exhausted, but the wolf part of me was strong the day before a full moon, and it was packed with energy. I wanted to scream. I wanted to sleep. I wanted to run. I shook my head, which made me dizzy, and put my hand up. Professor Slughorn looked up from the potion he was inspecting, Lily and Marlene's, and nodded at me. "Sir," I began, "I'm really not feeling well. Please could I take myself to the hospital wing?"

"Oh- oh of course." Slughorn nodded seriously. I panicked, wondering if he knew about my... condition. I had to ask Professor Sprout. As I left the classroom, I noticed Remus looking at me strangely, but I was too messed up to care.

"Hi, Poppy." I said as I entered the pristine healing ward. She looked up from her desk and bustled out of her office to talk to me.

"Amaris!" She greeted me. "Are you alright?"

"I just can't... focus. I really don't feel well." I told her.

"Well, after tonight it'll get better." I nodded. "Here, come on. Have a lie down. I'll just get you some girding potion." I nodded as I sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing my face with my hands and taking slow, deep breaths. Madam Pomfrey returned a minute later, holding a vial of foul smelling green liquid. "You know the drill, dear." She said, as I downed it in one gulp. I pulled a face as I handed her the now empty vial. "I know." She chuckled to herself.

I slept for the majority of the afternoon. I was woken by Professor Sprout. "Hi Amaris." She said in a quiet, soothing voice. "We've got to get you down to the Whomping Willow now. Are you ready?" I shook my head meekly, and pushed myself off the bed. "Come on. We'll be meeting Professor McGonagall there."

"What?" I asked. "Why?"

"Oh, she's bringing the other werewolf, poppet." Professor Sprout explained.

"Right." I said. "OK." The professor handed me a cloak with a large hood, which I pulled on. I lifted the hood, and it drooped over my face. Professor Sprout put her arm around my shoulders. "Come on then." She said, as she guided me out of the hospital wing.

A/N- Hope you enjoyed!  Don't forget to review and vote, it makes this gal very happy.

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