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Chapter 14

"Can you explain what happened, dear?" Poppy asked me as she poured out some form of pain relieving potion. I rubbed my temples, nursing a fierce headache that had come with the nightmare.

"I don't know, it was just a nightmare but- but it wasn't. I've never had a nightmare like that before."

"Ok poppet, is it possible you've been jinxed?"

"No. No, I don't think so. I just-" white hot pain flared in my mind and I felt my eyes roll back into my head. I gasped, the feeling shocking. A heard a voice that wasn't my own, but it was coming from my mouth. Images flashed in my mind and the voice described them.

"The power of three,

The chosen one and his chosen,

Shall defeat the soul,

Of a dark, dark lord.

Raised for slaughter,

He must die,

If the rest of the world,

Wishes to survive.

Do not trust the rat in sheep's clothing."

I gasped again as the voice faded. My throat felt swollen and sore, but my headache was worse. Poppy was sat, staring at me in shock. I head gasping breaths and realised I was crying.

"What's happening to me?" I asked in a broken whisper. Poppy blinked and asked me to wait a second. She scurried out of the hospital wing. I pulled my knees to my chest and sobbed. My hands crept up to my hair and began to pull at the strands, a gesture of just how distraught I was. A new pair of hands snaked their way around mine.

"Hey, Amaris, it's ok. You're alright." Came the comforting voice of Lily. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight. She hugged me back, and we stayed like that for what felt like hours. I pulled away.

"Lily, I'm so sorry, but is it alright if you go?"

"Oh, um, ok." Lily said.

"Please don't be offended. I love you, it's just, I just..." I trailed off, sighing. Broken.

"It's alright. Love you too, Amy. I'm here if you need me." I smiled gently at her in acknowledgement as she walked away.

I sat on my own in silence for a while, rubbing my temples and worrying that whatever the hell had just happened was going to happen again. My head felt like it was on fire, and I could feel my pulse beating hard. Suddenly, the doors to the hospital wing flew open, and in charged Professor Dumbledore and Professor Sprout, closely followed by Poppy. But in front of all three adults was a familiar face who ran towards me and wrapped me in a hug. His cheeks felt scratchy against mine, but I didn't care as I sobbed into Aiden's shoulder. He stroked my hair, holding me close. Dumbledore cleared his throat as he arrived.

"Miss Cana, I'm sorry to break this up but I need to ask you some questions." Aiden stepped back, but his presence was comforting. I needed someone who was required to love me unconditionally, who would help me no matter what. I nodded silently, and Dumbledore sat at my bedside. "Has anything like this ever happened before? Is it possible it's linked to your lycanthropy?"

"No, professor. I don't know what's going on, but I- my head hurts really bad. I don't think it's because of my... my condition. That only plays up around the full moon, or when I'm directly touching silver." Dumbledore nodded, his expression pensive.

"If you would excuse me for one second, Miss Cana, I must have a quick word with Professor Sprout."

"Uh huh." I said, and Dumbledore and Sprout walked off to a far corner of the room, whispering quietly.

"Let's see if I can't get you anything for that headache." Poppy said, and made herself busy. Aiden sat at the edge of my bed.

"You ok, Ree?" He asked me.

"I don't know." I said, looking at him helplessly. "I don't know what's happening."

"Me neither, if I'm honest. Professor Flitwick just rushed into my dorm and woke me up, saying that you were hurt and that it would be helpful if I came. God, I thought you were dying or something."

"If only." I joked darkly, beginning to feel a little better as I talked to my brother. He smiled slightly and rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry to wake you up." I told him, but he just shook his head.

"It's alright. Never, ever repeat this, but if I was having creepy visions, I'd probably want you there. We can't exactly go to mum and dad with magical problems. They mean well, but they wouldn't understand." I nodded.

"You don't think..." I trailed off, not sure how to phrase the question.

"What?" Aiden asked me.

"You don't think this is because I'm a- because of what I am?"

"No." Aiden told me. "Believe it or not, when I came here I did some reading up on werewolves. I've never heard of anything like this." I laughed at him.

"So you do care about me!" I exclaimed.

"Nope." Aiden said, grinning. Our exchange was interrupted as Dumbledore came back over, a concerned look on his face.

"Miss Cana, after discussion with Pomona, we believe that you may have spoken a prophecy." I blinked.

"Oh." Was all I could say. After a few seconds of silence, I asked "What happens now?"

"For you, Miss Cana, you can expect to be questioned by a Ministry official. They may ask you t recall the prophecy for them. After that, you will probably be left alone."

"Alright." I said.

"There is, of course, the possibility that you may speak another prophecy. If this is the case, expect the same procedure."

"Okay. How will I know if it's going to happen again?" I asked him.

"What symptoms did you experience before this?" Dumbledore inquired.

"Um, a headache, I guess. And my eyes hurt." I told him.

"Well, if you start feeling like that again, one can presume you are going to speak another prophecy. If this happens, come straight to my office so that it can be transcribed."

"Will do." I told him. This was so weird.

Dumbledore wished me the best and left the hospital wing. Professor Sprout assured me that I did not have to be present in my classes tomorrow, and she would explain it to the teachers. Aiden gave me a final hug and headed back to bed. I felt bad, him waking up for me, but what could I do? Eventually, I found myself alone. Poppy placed a calming draught next to my bed, and told me to drink it. I obliged, and she rubbed my back comfortingly before departing to her office. I lay down, my body beginning to feel warm and fuzzy as the calming draught took effect. What would happen now? Was this going to be a regular occurrence? I wanted to think more on it, but my brain was shutting down. I was tired, so tired. I gave in to the urge to sleep, closing my eyes and hoping I wasn't awoken by another nightmare.

A/N- Don't forget to review!

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